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The odour of rotten flesh and blood was prominent in the palace, the wallpaper flaking from constant scratching and biting. Crudely implemented hatches moved and shook, the beasts inside them threatening to charge out. The man on the throne paid no attention to them; he pet the black panther on his lap and fed a raven flying around the place.
The raven stared at him with the saddest eyes he'd ever seen, tear stains under its beady black eyes. Before he blinked it had flown away.
That was definitely Dove, he knew, the goddess his queen had turned into a plaything. Without Dove and Raven the others were basically useless, except for the hotheaded Aqua, who tended to ruin their plans by just charging in and starting a massacre. Sin had once wanted to have Aqua on his side, but now he had a change of heart. A cold and calculating empress like Raven was what he needed to accomplish his plans. Did he really love Raven? Maybe, but not as much as his plans for his future; ruling the land, painting the horizon black with his magic, having children to inherit the throne.
He rose from his seat, combing his hand through his black hair, red eyes fixated on a gown-clad figure in the distance on the palace balcony. Raven looked much different than she did before, the last bit of energy had been sucked out of her face. She looked anorexic, her cheekbones sticking out and her cheeks hollowed, as she bowed to him and smiled. "My king."
"My Queen." Sin lent her a hand to stand up with. "You look absolutely stunning with that dress."
"Do I," she teased, flicking her tongue around her cherry lips, fluttering her eyelashes in fake flirtation. "maybe I do. But my king looks better." Sin knew deep in his heart Raven had fallen for him hard, the first time they had ever battled, when she was still only a demigod. He noticed the way how she looked tragically at him, as if saying "if you were good I would date you."
well, she was dating him now! He clasped Raven's dainty hand in his and pecked her on the cheek, a sad apology for not absolutely returning her feelings. She seemed not to get the message and giggled like a child, and ran out the place doors to the garden. Raven's royal mount, a black mare, raced out of the royal palace with its owner on it, and the king watched with a proud feeling in his heart. Enchantria was his, Raven was his, the land was his. A low chuckle sounded from his throat and he clutched the black robe he was wearing tightly. He had the world in his hands now.
Snapping his fingers, a bunch of servants took out his favourite obsidian sedan chair. Black jewels and smoky quartz adorned the front of the grand vehicle, and black panthers pulled the sedan chair to move. He nodded at the servants and gingerly ordered the felines to find Raven.
There she was, at the shore of a dark pool, sitting silently and staring into the horizon. Her presence suddenly seemed so innocent in the dark atmosphere, as she enlightened the place, her red dress like fire. Sin's brows furrowed. He couldn't stand light, it blinded him. Too bright for his taste. Approaching her, he clapped her shoulders lightly and she turned around in surprise.
"Sin!" She exclaimed, jumping up in fright. A small black hyacinth was pinned in her hair, and he smiled at it. "You bloom as beautifully as this hyacinth today."
He swore a flash of anger and sorrow flickered through Raven's big eyes. "I liked it when it was purple." She said after a while, brushing the furled petals of the blossom. "I liked everything back when it wasn't dead or rotten." Lowering her head, she made for her horse, straightening her long red gown. Sin lunged towards her and caught her wrist. "Raven."
"I didn't mean it." She retorted, poking the horse with one of her nails and making it whinny. "I just like purple."
"You like brightness." Sin never imagined himself say that. He caressed the hilt of his longsword, the dragon scales of the handle rough to the touch. Walking closer to Raven, he patted her shoulder. "I didn't get you here just to pick flowers and grieve for light." He hissed. Her face twisted into a look of horror. "Sin..."
"I'm planning to have an imperial harem sooner or later." A grin formed on his face and he saw Raven slowly back away, making for her horse. "For now, my queen," he said, flicking his wrist. "rest in the Palace and rethink your actions alone."
The look of hurt on her face didn't shake his will at all. He was king now. No goddess could stop him now.

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