Or not...

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He quickly took his hand off and smirked: "I think you would like this idea." I couldn't help, but to get turned on. I thought something was going to happen, but I guess not because he turned his head back to the movie to start watching again. Great. Now, I'm stuck here horny as hell. 

This movie seems like it's never going to end and I just want to go to the bathroom already. Bryce only turned to look at me twice since that happened and I had to try to pretend that it didn't bother me at all. Which it did. 

                                                   Bryce's P.O.V

How could he just sit there all calm... when I touched him? Maybe he doesn't want to do it and I'm just losing my mind. I really had no interest in this movie at all now, all I wanted to do was Mikey. I think I'm just going to have to hold myself back. 

The movie finally ended... 

"Come on, Mikey." I got up quick hoping he would say something to me, but he just stayed quiet and it drove me nuts. I took my phone out which made him roll his eyes. "What?" I asked. He just ignored me and I was about to kill him. I swear. 

I looked up from my phone to look at Mikey, but he wasn't there... I looked around and that's when I saw him talking to Nick. I don't know why I got mad that he wasn't by me anymore. What's happening? Anyway, I walked up to them and Mikey went mute again. What the fuck? "Sorry Nick, we'll see you at the house because we got shit to do." I pulled Mikey outside as he struggled to get away. I didn't know what his deal was. 

After successfully pulling him to the car, I shoved him in the back getting on top of him. I could have sworn I just saw him bite his lip, but he just pushed me "Bryce, get off. Why are you doing this?" I laughed and I saw him blush. "I'm going to make you pay for giving me the silent treatment earlier." I bit his neck and whispered against it  "you're not going to be able to stay quiet now." I slowly unzipped his pants and pulled them down, revealing how hard he was. Damn. It made me hard just seeing him as I pull his dick out and slowly stroke him hard.

                                                                       Mikey's P.O.V.

I was shocked feeling him rub on me, giving me so much pleasure. I was only ignoring him because I couldn't let him know that I wanted him. This is definitely worth it. "H-h-arder." I whispered as I put my hand down his pants touching him gently. He moaned softly which made me even harder. I couldn't help myself anymore. I pushed him down on his stomach as I took his pants off and went into my bag to grab lube. He looked back at me "Mikey, what are you doing?" I smirked biting his neck, making him sensitive. "I'm going to go in you..." He blushed and said, "Mikey, I don't know if I'm ready..." 


A.N. Go read my sister's fanfic of Kian Lawley and J.C. Caylen, it's called The Moment ( a JIAN fanfic) It's pretty damn great and should definitely go give it a read (: have a great day!

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