Chapter 1

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So yeah, this is a new story which is ridiculous because I haven't finished any of my other ones.

But it's going to be really short. So expect short chapters.


"Can you teach me how to live?"

Harry at first, didn't know how to answer the boy's question. He had been walking down the busy streets of New York, clothed in black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. On his head was a beanie, covering his brown curls that didn't want to cooperate today.

But now there was a boy, looking up at him through pale blue eyes, who had a nervous smile on his face.

"What do you mean by that?" Harry asked, not even flinching as many people pushed past him, as he was standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"I don't know how to live."

"Okay. I'll teach you."

Never had Harry been more confused, but he felt extremely lucky that such a pretty person decided to come up and ask him this odd question.

And yeah, he didn't even know the shorter boys name, but he extended his arm so it was wrapped around his shoulders.

There was a slight breeze in the air, and it felt good as they strolled past store after store. The blue eyed boy seemed excited, as he was practically bouncing on his feet.

"What's your name?" Harry finally asked, breaking the calm silence between the two.

"Louis." His voice came out quite loud, and Harry jumped a bit.

"Nice to meet you, Louis. Do you want to know my name?"

Harry couldn't help but smile as Louis nodded eagerly.

"I'm Harry." And for some reason, a huge smile spread out across Louis' face, and it seemed to cause the world to stop for a second.

"Why do you want to know how to live?" The younger boy asked, glancing at the clothing store he had been planning on visiting today.

"Because, life is boring, and I want fun and excitement. And who better than to ask a stranger that seems to be happy himself?"

Harry was a bit caught off guard by his words, because, yeah, he wasn't depressed. He had a great job as a writer, which he got a decent pay for. He spent his time at home writing and watching T.V. But he wasn't content. There was always something missing, probably because his lifestyle was a bit lonely.

"Well, I'll try my best to show you," was all Harry responded. Louis grinned, and he seemed confident. It radiated off of him, which Harry didn't understand.

It seemed Louis already knew how to live.

But hey, obviously Louis thought the same thing about Harry, and he wasn't exactly right.

"Okay, first place we need to go is the ice cream shop over there. You aren't living if you haven't had ice cream." Harry pointed to a small building with a sign saying, 'New York's Best Ice Cream.'

"I've had it before." Louis scrunched up his nose, looking up at the younger boy.

"Have you had this ice cream?" Harry questioned, wrapping his arm tighter around Louis' delicate shoulders.

Louis just shook his head sheepishly, blushing a bit.

And Harry swore that he had never seen anything more beautiful than Louis blushing.

The curly boy steered Louis towards the ice cream shop, and Louis giggled as he stumbled over his feet a bit. It was a musical sound that caused Harry to wonder once more how he got so lucky that a boy like this had chosen him, out of everyone, to teach him how to live.

They finally arrived, and they both shivered at the cold air as they walked in. It was surprisingly not crowded, because usually it was packed with people wanting to get out of the summer air.

"What kind of ice cream do you want?" Harry asked in his raspy voice as they strolled up to the counter. There were two employees scrambling to serve a crying boy a cone, and Harry felt a bit bad for them.

"Birthday cake."

And then he blushed again, and Harry tried not to smile to wide at the boy, because he was adorable.

"One birthday cake cone, and I'll have a cookies and cream," Harry said politely, but he wasn't looking at the employee. He was looking down at Louis, who's eyes were lit up with excitement, watching curiously as the ice cream was scooped onto the waffle cone.

Harry finally looked away when he was handed the two ice cream cones, and he paid for them quickly. Louis was staring at his ice cream, as if debating whether not to eat it now or wait until they arrived outside.

It seemed he had decided to wait, as he had instead leaned closer into Harry, who led them outside to one of the tables.

"Okay. Eat it," Harry grinned, leaning closer.

"You eat yours first!" Louis shot back, narrowing his eyes.

Harry just stared back at him expectantly, waiting for Louis to lick his rainbow scoop that was already melting a bit.

 And he finally did. He hesitantly stuck his tongue out and swiped it across the ice cream, and Harry watched him closely.

"So, what do you think?" Harry asked his new friend, who was just recently a random stranger to him.

"It's really good."


Like I said, really short chapters.

But do you know what else that means?

Really fast updates.

-Kayla x

Comment what you think of this idea. Should I continue it?

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