Chapter 2

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"What are we going to do next?" Louis asked, after they had licked the last of their ice cream off their fingers.

Harry had found it quite easy to keep up conversation with they boy, and he had been having more fun than he had in years. Even compared to the times when his friends Zayn, Liam, and Niall came over to watch movies with him.

"How about we go to Coney Island?" Harry asked excitedly, already standing up from his seat.

"Sounds fun!" Again, Harry jumped at how loud Louis' spoke. He seemed to want everybody around to hear, and it was adorable.

So Harry waved down a taxi, which took about 2 minutes.

"I've never ridden in a taxi before," the blue eyed boy commented as they climbed into the yellow car. Harry looked at him in disbelief.

"You live in New York. How-"

"I just moved here."

And then they stopped talking, and Harry nervously wrapped an arm around Louis, watching as Louis' blushed.

"Where would you like to go?" The taxi-driver in the front asked, and Harry snapped out of his slight trance. He completely forgot to instruct the driver.

"Coney Island."

"Good choice."

Harry smiled a bit, proud of his idea. The whole car ride consisted of fun conversation where they each learned more and more about each other.

Harry found himself liking Louis more and more, every single time his eyes crinkled up in a breathtaking smile. And he thought that Louis felt the same way, as Harry could feel him leaning in closer and closer into his side.

They finally arrived, and Harry paid the taxi driver before the stepped out of the cab. He could practically smell the salt of the ocean, and he breathed it in deeply.

"Ferris Wheel!" Louis screeched, and Harry watched as his fringe bounced up and down along with Louis himself. He was grinning widely, and it was wildly contagious. Harry was pretty sure his dimple was more prominent than ever.

He opened his mouth to speak, but then Louis let out another screech.

"Harry oh my gosh we have to ride that! Do you think we should do that? I think it'll be part of living life to its fullest, don't you?"

The curly boy just chuckled and nodded, unable to stop staring at the sparkle of excitement in Louis' ocean eyes.

Speaking of the ocean, he could hear the loud waves splashing against the sand, which led to the boardwalk.

"Let's walk the boardwalk first, yeah?" Louis bit his lip and nodded, giggling as he hesitantly took Harry's hand.

Harry could feel his hand shaking and sweating, and his heart pouding as they casually walked down the sandy planks with their fingers intertwined.

"What do you write about?" Louis wondered aloud, breaking the silence.

"Things." It was hard to describe everything he wrote about, as it all had deep meaning.

"Harry," Louis whined.

"Mostly, I write, uhm, romance books." Harry grabbed the back of his neck nervously, gauging the shorter boy's reaction.

"I read those a lot too, it's okay." And then he smiled, and Harry wasn't so nervous anymore.

"What do you do all day?"

"Just go out, roam around, drink coffee."

"Well that's a boring description of a day."

Harry just smiled, squeezing Louis' hand tightly before relaxing his hold once more, deciding not to respond.

"Do you have any siblings?" Harry questioned, watching Louis' distracted face as they finally neared the ferris wheel.

"Six!" Louis giggled as Harry jumped from the loudness of his tone, as well as some others near them.

"What are there names?"

"Phoebe, Daisy, Lottie, Fizzy, Ernest, and Doris."

Louis pouted as Harry released his hand to pay the ride operator for two tickets on the large ferris wheel. The sky was starting to get darker, and it felt good now that the sun wasn't shining so harshly on them.

"Okay. Just wait in line and then have fun!" Harry nodded, glancing at Louis.

"You scared Lou?" Louis blinked a bit, as if he was recently deep in thought.

"Uh," he grunted, "No, I'm not scared Harreh. Why would I be scared? It's just a ferris wheel! I'm actually excited."

"Okay." Harry held up his hands. "Just asking."

Louis reached his hand out and gently hit it across Harry's cheek, a pathetic form of a slap.

"I'm serious. I'm not scared. Why would I be riding this if I was scared?"

Harry shrugged.

And then it was there turn, and Harry pretended that he didn't feel Louis shaking as he grabbed at his hand once more.

"It moves slow," Louis noted as their seat slowly rose from where they were previously hovering low above the ground.

"That's good. That means we get more time." Harry smiled slightly, then got a bit distracted by the wind blowing Louis' hair. It messed it up and made it brush across his eyelashes slightly, and for some reason it made Harry's heart flutter.

They sat there in comfortable silence until they reached the top. Louis let out a surprised squeal as it jerked to a stop, and Harry burst into laughter.

"That noise," he gasped, and Louis glared at him.

"You're shaking our house!" Louis whined, and it set Harry off again.

"Our house?"

"Yes, our house, Harry, now stop laughing." Harry nodded and snorted, burying his face in Louis' shoulder.

But he grew serious once more when he realized that Louis smelled like aftershave, a musky scent that had a slight freshness to it that Harry couldn't place. But it did smell amazing. Yes, it did.

And that caused Harry to have a sudden confidence, and he pulled away from Louis' shoulder to place a chaste kiss on the older boy's cheek, who let out a little squeak.

"That's another way to live," Harry whispered huskily, his heart pounding.

And the only way Harry knew he was listening was the deep flush that went across Louis' cheeks.


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-Kayla x

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2014 ⏰

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