The Plot Thickens...

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Author's Note
Hiya! I was really inspired to write the first part, and I've got some good ideas for the second part. I won't be able to post too often, but I'm definitely going to try to post as many parts in one day as i can. And don't worry, I know he first part was rlly boring, but keep reading, and you'll see I have some juicy things planned!! 😋 Ok on with the story

*Puck's POV*

Breakfast was really nerve wracking. Daphne caught me staring at Sabrina! No, I mean Grimm. But that was besides the point. The old lady offered taking that rickety car they had, but I refused. So did everyone else. So Relda said that I would fly Grimm to school, and Red and Daphne would take the bus to their school.

I was really nervous about taking Sab- no,Grimm to school, because I still felt bad about what happened earlier this morning.

An idea sprung like a lightbulb above my head.

"K, Grimm, you coming or not?"

She came forward, her winter coat fitting just right on her. She had this cute little black "Adidas" beanie on and she put a little lip gloss on, I could tell. As per usual, she was gorgeous as ever-

Gah!! Snap out of it, Puck, just get to the point.

As Grimm walked up to me, I could see the sadness in her face. She seemed a little overly emotional today. Normally she's really feisty.

"Yeah, lets just go," she said.

I stepped up to her, and wrapped my arms around her waist. We both blushed, but it was this was a part of the drill. She held me tight, and her embrace made me want to just fly away to paradise with her. But I had a job to do. And a mission to complete.

*Sabrina's POV*

I was still kind of sad about this morning. I let down my guard in front of Puck because I genuinely cared for him, and he just pushed me away! Maybe what he said in his dream was just a hallucination. Maybe he doesn't love me, maybe I'm falling for the wrong person.

Wait. I finally admitted it.

Me, Sabrina Grimm... is falling for Puck.

A wave a relief washed over me.

Then, I snapped back to reality. Puck's large pink wings sprouted from his back, and we shot up into the air. The snow on my face felt cold, but it was nice. We were soaring so fast, it felt as i we were going faster than the speed of light. I snuggled into Puck's arms. I felt warm, and safe. It wasn't until we slowed down that I realized we weren't even near our school at all. As Puck lowered down, I started to get nervous. Where are we? When we reached the ground, Puck looked down at me. I could've sworn he was crying, but it was hard to see in the snow.

"Puck, where are we?"

"Grimm... I have something to say."

A lump rose in my throat.


Puck looked away, then looked at me again, his eyes filled with deep sorrow.

"I'm so sorry..."

He didn't even get to finish. Before I even realized, Puck was crying into my coat. I didn't even know what to say, but instinctively I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.

"It's okay, Puck..." I said, trying to soothe his hyperventilating.

He raised his head from my chest. When I saw his face, I almost cried. His face wasn't his normal cocky look, it was full of pain. His eyes were so red from crying, and his cheeks were scarlet red.

"No, Sabrina. It's not okay..."

I was trying to figure out why he was so sad over something like this, but then it occurred to me that this was something deeper...

"Puck, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. You can tell me anything."

Puck nodded. "Sabrina... I've been too scared to tell you... That's why I shoved you away this morning. I'm too afraid... But, not anymore. Sabrina Grimm, I-I think I'm in love with you."

He started again. "But, I know you don't love me. I ruined my one chance to at least keep our friendship. Sabrina, you don't know how much I've wanted to tell you this... God, you don't even know how many times I've made plans to tell you. This was supposed to be the best day of my life. But it's finally happening, and today is the worst day of my life, because I know you're going to say that you don't love me back."

My heart stopped.

It honestly felt like time stopped.

Then I looked into Puck's emerald green eyes, and my life went back into motion.

Puck looked at me, and he seemed worried, and a little bit embarrassed.

"Sabrina?" he said.

I didn't even answer. We were fractions of an inch apart, and I could feel his warm breath against mine. My chest touched his, and I inched closer to his lips...

I stopped.

Puck seemed genuinely hurt.

That's when I said something that I'm pretty sure Puck nor I expected.

"Puck, I don't think I'm in love with you."

Author's Note

Cliff hanger!!!!! Don't worry, I already know what's going on in the third chapter and I'm working on it right away. Hope you guys enjoyed this episode!! And plz vote😋 BTW! If you guys know the school for good and evil series, i'm planning on starting a tagatha  fanfic. it's one of my fave ships!! and maybe in the future some percabeth.. anyways, byeee!

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