Chapter Three; The Death

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Stranger Here,

I am rather pleased that I did chapters two and three in one night. I usually only write one chapter and lose interest in whatever I'm writing. I noticed that I only write two pages, If your wondering why it's because I was taught like that. In Essay form. Sorry, blame me for being lazy.



Chapter Three; The Death

I knew I should have left, but I had to see if that person was alright. I hesitantly turned to where a large crowd gathered. I could hear gasps and whispers spread like wildfire through a dry, grassy plain. I started in on the large group muttering, "Excuse me. Um.. Can I get by? Excuse me."

With a sigh I finally broke through the crowd. However, as soon as I saw what had everyone gasping and whispering I wanted to turned around and leave.

I closed my eyes to the horrific scene before me. 'Breathe.... just breathe' I told myself mentally.

I opened my eyes and rushed over to the girl that had a chunk of skin and muscle missing from her shoulder. The wound was dangerously close to her throat. I placed my right hand on her shoulder to staunch the bleeding. Within seconds my hand was covered in the thick wet stuff.

She was losing blood and fast.

Through my fingers I felt a faint pulse. With my left hand I shakily pulled out my cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. Before they could speak I told them when she was attacked, where the underworld club was, what had happened, and who was here at the time and place. They repeated what I said back to me and I answered that their information was correct.

After a few minutes they answered mechanically, "All right we have dispatched a unit to the address provided."

"Thank you" I said eerily calm.

I looked at the girl that was crying. She was blond, small, and baby faced. She looked no more older than seventeen. Her yellow sundress was torn at the shoulder and soaked through with dried red liquid.

"Who did this to you?" I hissed under my breath. Trying to keep her mind off the pain. She opened one light blue eye and glanced at me. She opened her lips as if to speak, but she never got the chance.

A shadow passed over us quickly and with it a gust of wind. I looked up thinking it was the ambulance that arrived in record time.

That's when I heard a sickening snap...

Startled, I looked back at her and it took me a few second to realize that her neck was bent in an awkward angle. Her baby blue eyes wide open and staring straight at me. I let out the breath that I didn't know I was holding. With it came a sob... the beginning of many.

I heard a girl scream out. I hadn't yet realized that it was me until a hand covered my mouth, effectively muffling my next scream.

That's about the time when black consumed me...


You know, I like ending my chapters with a cliff hanger. In case you haven't noticed...

Well, this one seemed a lot shorter, but better than the others. A lot of thrill in this one...

Stranger Out!

P.S. Tell me, what'cha think? Leave questions and proofreading mistakes at the bottom. :)

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