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cora sighs, swirling globs of watercolor paint around the clear tall glass showing the colors change and dissipate into other shades before her very eyes.

"morning, cor" a warm, raspy voice says from behind, slowly entering her secret hideout during her chemistry class while the art teacher was attending lunch.

"hey, cal. oh, look! i painted something, isn't it cool?"

he squinted his brown eyes, and cocked one of his brows, "i like the color scheme" he smiles, watching her facial expression.

"good, it's for you. i'm not done yet"

"are you coming to lunch?"

she sighs softly, "i really want to finish this. no,"

"o—oh, i'll bring you a snack from the vending machine then"

a slight frown replaces her once shining smile, "—that's okay, you don't have to spend your money, calum"

"it's no problem. swear." he pauses, gently kissing he side of her cheek, "i'll let you finish. i'll be back before the next lunch starts"

and he walks for the door,


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