Slumber party

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*A day ago*

Pinkie Pie was playing Monopoly with her friends: Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and of course, Sunset shimmer. It was her first slumber party and Pinkie wanted her to enjoy it.

"I would like two large pizza's with pepperoni topping, thank you so much!" Pinkie pie hung up the phone and told her friends, "Trixie's pizzas took the order and said it is gonna come here shortly".

Ding Dong!, The bell rang.

"Who do you think is here this late" rainbow dash asked?

"The pizzas her, the PIZZAS HERE!!" Pinkie pie got up and ran towards the door. "Here, how much does it co-" The Crystal Prep Academy girls were standing on the steps of pinkie's house.

Sour Sweet started, "hi again, um, we are here to, have some fun since, we can't, have fun."

"Of course you can come in sugarcube" Applejack waved her hand and welcome the girls"

"My second slumber party I went to!" Sunny flare was excited, as well as Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat.  Indigo Zap and Lemon Zest wasn't quite sure about Sour's ideas.

"Hello, are you Pinkie pie?" The pizza guy said talking to Sugarcoat. 

"No she I-"

"Yes yes yes yes YES! That's me, how much does that cost" she interrupted Sugarcoat.

"Mhf" sugar walked away from the pink headed girl.

"That would cost you.... 12.43 dollars."

"Here you go!".

"Thanks, here is your recipe" he gave her the recipe and patted on his bike to leave.

"Come on and let's have pizza for the night" she said as she carried the pizza to the kitchen as the rest of her friends followed her to get pizza.

"So what brings you here" Rainbow dash got her pizza and waited for Indigo Zap to get her pizza.

"Well, Crystal Prep is gonna be closed for a few months because we don't have our principal". She replied sitting on the chair with her friend. "And we thought it might cheer us up when we are with you guys".

"What happened to Cadence?"

"She was pregnant and she is almost due for her baby."

"How come she want pregnant in the Friendship games?"

"She was, she was bearly so it didn't look like it"

"Oh" dash said finally taking a bite of her pizza.

"A drink for you, and a drink for, and a drink for you..."  Pinkie pie had red paper cups in her hands and was serving her friends Pepsi or 7up.

"So, what school are you going to?" Fluttershy joined in and asked the shadow bolt that question".

"I don't think we are going to school"

"What??!?!" All the wondercolts said at the same time. "What about education" Twilight asked.

"We don't think school is our type"

"Come to our school, Canterlot High!, The teachers are very nice and you can come join us! Our class is very empty."

"We will try" Sugarcoat Sid as they got their sleeping bags out and went to sleep for school tomorrow.

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