7 - The healing powers of water

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Percy hadn't even heard of the song that Dean was currently rocking out to, but it might be his new favourite. Or at least in his top 10.

Percy couldn't help himself but smile as he watched his brothers. The constant finger drumming on the wheel from Dean and the almost audible, persistent thinking that was going on inside Sam's head. 

They would both like Annabeth. The thought made his smile wider. She had brains like Sam and the battle prowess of Dean (although she would smoke both of them in their respective specialties - not that he would ever tell them that).

There was so much he wanted to ask them, and Percy knew that they probably had an equal number of questions to ask him. But no one wanted to start the q&a session they were all itching for deep down. 

Instead, they simply enjoyed the presence of each other. 

Percy hadn't realised how much he missed being in this car with his brothers. The sun beaming down on them as he looked out the window watching the trees fly past them. It could've been peaceful if it weren't for the hum of the impala and the slightly off-pitch sound of Dean singing loudly and the significantly more quiet hum of Sam joining in (a lot more on pitch of course).

Percy shuffled slightly in the back seat - it was a lot more squishy than he remembered it being. It had of course been five years since he had sat in the car, but Percy preferred to thoroughly shove that thought into the deepest, darkest crevice of his mind. That was something he would process properly at a later date - you know many, many weeks from now. Or, preferably, never.

He was brought out of his daze by Dean clearing his throat, "Now this, boys, was long overdue."

Dean laughed in excitement as he pulled in to the carpark of a diner.

Percy chuckled, "Pie."

Dean whooped, "Pie!" 

He slapped the top of the steering wheel a couple of times as he pulled the hand brake and got out of the car. Percy sat for a second, almost giddy at the mere concept of what was happening. 

He was with his brothers. Getting pie.

He was jolted from his thoughts as a large hand knocked on the window, and Sammy's face appeared smiling with an eyebrow raised, "You coming? Or are you just gonna sit there?"

Percy laughed slightly in response as he got out of the car, "Sorry, I was just trying to grasp that all of this is actually happening."

Sam smiled as he put his arm around his younger brother as they walked towards the diner where Dean had already entered and scored a booth and three menus.

Sam and Percy had barely even sat down when Dean called over the waitress and ordered three of the daily special pie with whipped cream (obviously). 

Dean turned towards Percy and immediately asked' "So, where've you been?"

Sam hit him on the side and growled slightly. In a hushed tone he said, "First of all, not in the diner. Second, what happened to tact? Or have you forgotten what that word means?"

Percy laughed slightly at the two, "C'mon, Dean never knew what that word meant. We both know that." He was relieved that Sam had stopped that conversation from continuing. He had no idea how he would even begin to answer that question.

Dean let out a belly laugh, "You haven't changed a bit Perce. Just as sarcastic as ever."

He decided to change the subject, "Umm, how have you guys been?" he smiled sheepishly.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2020 ⏰

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