Thanks Xiao Part 4

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~~~~(Readers POV)~~~~

"What's going on?!" I exclaimed as I threw my hands up as the colorful man clinged to me. Oliver said nothing but quietly hugged me. The door opened and I saw a grouchy French man.

"What the h*** 'append?" Françoise asked as he blew out a puff of smoke. I shrugged still not understanding what the heck was happening. Oliver jumped up and acted as if nothing happened.

"Franny! Your back." Oliver chirped as he swayed side to side with a giant grin. Françoise said nothing but pulled his cigar out of his mouth and pressed the burning end to Oliver's arm.

"ow..." Oliver murmured and rubbed his arm.

"Hey! That was a d*** move!" I snapped and threw a book at the Frenchie's face. He grunted and rubbed his nose from were the book struck.

"Why you little-!" Françoise muttered as he went to pounce on me. Oliver pulled out a knife from thin air and held it in front of Françoise in a threatening manner. Francoise's eyes widened in shock and looked back at the usually cheerful brit. He had a more menacing smile and his blue eyes swirled with pink.

"Now, Now. We still need her." Oliver said as he retracted his knife. Françoise looked at Oliver for a while and turned around and walked out. Oliver spun around and furrowed his bushy eyebrows and put on a scolding face.

"Now what was that for? Are you trying to kill yourself?" Oliver said. I pouted and crossed me arms.

"No! I was defending you. He didn't have to do that, he had no reason." I stated. Oliver widened his eyes and looked at me dumbfounded. Oliver opened his mouth but closed it. He looked down and had a blank expression.

"Hey, Xiao is here with Victor. I hope you have a plan." Al said from the door. I looked at him confused, Oliver straitened up and smiled at Allen.

"send them in." Oliver said as he gently touched the knife that was at his side.

Al nodded and left. Oliver looked back at me and opened his mouth as if to say something. before he could speak though, another voice beat him.

"This had better of been a good reason to call me over." A Chinese voice called from the hall. A short man with short brown hair and red eyes walked in. He was followed by a tall man with brown hair and red eyes.

"We need you to look at some one who is terribly sick. She needs your assistance and I would like to do this quietly." Oliver said as his eyes swirled with pink. 2P China looked at me and his eyes widened. He pulled out a knife of some sort and threw it at me. I sighed.

'Of course.' I thought. I rolled of the bed and onto the other side of the bed, away from the two men. I jumped to my feet and dodged another round of those knifes.

"Stop that! She is terribly sick!" Oliver yelled as he stepped in front of me. I heard 2p China grunt and a sound of distrust from 2P Russia who stood behind him with a shovel in his hands.

"What is the meaning of this England..." China asked. He looked furious. Oliver let out a little chuckle and held up his knife as if threatening him.

"I will explain, but you best put that knife away. Alone I might not beat you, but I still have some back up..." Oliver said. China and Russia looked behind them to see Matt, Allen, and Françoise with weapons in their hands, ready to fight. China growled and lowered his weapon, along with Russia.

"Explain..." Russia commanded as he glared at me. I felt me stomach do a little flip.

"We might have a problem and may need her to help us dispose of it, or at least make them defenseless." Oliver said as he lowered his knife.

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