The Bullys

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CRASH! I slammed into a trio of garbage cans. Skin scraped across the sharp and rough gravel, and my head rebounded into the garbage cans. I winced.
"What a wimp." Malissa, the leader of the bullies mumbled to the other two girls.
"Get up, "Faith," don't you want to tell us all about your sister?" Rebecca snapped. I glared at her, rage overpowering me. The three girls started to walk away, when, without thinking twice I threw myself towards them like a lion pouncing on its prey. I leaped atop Rebecca and punched her right across the nose. Then, Sarah, the biggest of them all snatched all of my hair and pulled me away, dragging me against the wall.
Rebecca now had blood smeared all over her face as she kept wiping the blood coming running out of her nose. My surroundings started to get fuzzy, and suddenly I was out like a light.
Sorry for such a short chapter! The next couple chapters will be a bit longer. Thank you for reading my first chapter! 👍

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