How Do You Fall For A Total Stranger?
How Does It Feel To Be Broken Down?
Why Did You Leave Me There To Cry
When You Knew How
I Felt Wasn't A Simple Lie?
Did It Feel Good To Walk Away?
Does She Treat You Better
Then I Ever Did?
Because She Sure Wasn't A Stranger...
But, Maybe That's Why You Fell
How Does It Feel Knowing You
Broke A Perfect Heart Into Two?
Why Did You Fall For
A Total Stranger?
When You Knew How Innocent
She Was Before........................?
How Does It Feel Knowing
All The Hard Works Over?
Knowing That She'll Do Anything
You Ask, Anything You Want?
When Did You Fall For
This Total Stranger?
When Did You Decide To
Knock Down Her Walls,
Only To Find Out You've
Built Twice As Much?
When Did You Tell Her
Those Three Words?
Why Would You Tell
A Total Stranger
Those Three Words?
Why Did You Walk Away
From That Front Porch
With Tears In Your Eyes?
Why Did You Walk Away
If You Still Loved Me....?
Yet, Why Would You
Love A Total Stranger?
Why Would You Tell
A Total Stranger
That Their Eyes
Are Like Violins?
Why Would You Hold
A Total Stranger
While They Cried
And Whispered
Why Would You Tell
A Total Stranger
That They're Beautiful
Without Having To Try?
Why Would You Leave
A Total Stranger
When They Needed
You The Most?
Why Did You Run Away
When I Was So Desperately
Calling Out Your Name?
But, Why Would You Stay
With A Total Stranger?
Why Wouldn't You
Just Walk Away?
Because A Total Stranger
Isn't Someone You Love...
And To You
A Total Stranger
Is All I Ever Was......
PoetryThat's All I Ever Was...And Now That's All We Are...So, This Is For You Because I Would Write For A Total Stranger Because To Me You Weren't But I Guess You Werent Capable Of Loving Me As Much As I Loved A Total Stranger..<3