Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV
I used to be happy I used to feel love but after she left me after 3 years together it all went away my life was at a low point when she left me my parents were getting a divorce I lost my siblings my dad took them then Lauren broke up with me she said we should just be friends but after that she just pretended I didn't exist after 3 weeks of that happening I left to LA I got signed 4 years later I'm the ice queen of the music industry I don't do interviews or promo I do tour that's it in the last 4 years I've let 5sos in, simon in, and my best friend holly she's my rock honestly right now I'm driving to synco to meet with simon he wants me to go on tour and wants me to see the opening acts anyways I parked in front of synco I got out I walked in everyone greeted me I took the elevator to Simons office I sighed his assistant said "um so whose in that room you're about to start world war 3" I said "whose in that room Jason?" He said "there's 2 acts but um one of them is 5h" I felt my heart go cold again I walked in his office I saw 5h and Selena now you see Selena I can deal with she's a nice girl simon looked up he smiled innocently he said "so how you been?" I said "fine tell me why I'm here and why you woke me up this early?" I kept my face emotionless he said "their your opening acts for tour you're sharing a tour bus with Selena, 5h will have their own" I drank my coffee I nodded I said "I'll go only if you let me bring holly and 5sos add them as a third act" he said "okay and holly I knew was coming she will go even if you tell her no tour starts tomorrow how's your 5th album coming?" I rubbed my temples I said "fine I have one more song to finish then I have 2 to record and it's done Selena and 5h nice to meet you I'll see you guys tomorrow bye simon" I walked out Jason saw me he said "wow didn't hear any yelling that's a new one" I said "oh don't worry I'll get him back for this"
Simons POV
She just walked out I sighed I called 5sos well more like I called Luke he said "what's up Simon?" I said "your going on tour with her" he said "who else?" I said "Selena and 5h" he said "wow and you didn't die damn you lucky but okay what time will the buses be here?" I said "8 am" he said "okay bye si" I hung up Normani said "she's an interesting character" I nodded I said "sel you're sharing a bus with her she isn't a rude person she's just yeah I don't know to describe her just talk to her" Selena said "I've talked to her before she's nice but she's guarded" ally said "who is she?" I said "she's the ice queen of the music industry she's always been different then everyone else we never smiles she never laughs she doesn't do interviews she doesn't do promo she only does tour and she has no manager the only time you'll see her smiling or laughing is if she's on stage or if she's with people she's friends with she's not the easiest person to get along with because she'll sound rude but she's not it's just some things happened to her and it made her cold hearted I guess you could say just be careful what you say and don't insult her because she'll just look at like your stupid"
Y/n's POV
Today's the day we start tour with the one fucking girl who broke my god heart and made me this way Selena I actually wanna get close to her get to know her she's a sweet girl right now I was getting ready so was holly I put on my adidas pants, my crop top and my white yeezys and went down stairs the door bell rung I opened the door I saw my 4 aussies I hugged them I said "missed you guys" they said "missed you also ice queen" holly came downstairs I said "hey holly can you share the bus with 5sos tonight? I actually wanna get to know Selena" she smiled she said "of course loser" the buses pulled in I sighed I said "a year on the road with the girl who broke me yay" they hugged me they walked yo their bus I walked to mine when I got on Selena was sitting in the lounge I said "you're really pretty" She smiled she said "thank you I took the bunk in the middle" I nodded I put my stuff down I said "you're curious about me aren't you?" She said "yeah actually I am a lot of people are but everytime I see you in the media it's either with 5 seconds of summer, by yourself, of a blonde girl" I nodded I said "the blonde girl is holly she's my best friend her, 5sos and Simon have been the only people in the last 4 years I have trusted but I wanna know you so tell me about you" She said "okay my name is Selena Marie Gomez I'm from Texas I'm 22 I've been in the media since I was 5 when I stared in Barney and friends with Demi then I started my music career I've released 4 albums I used to date Justin Bieber my best friend is Taylor Swift and I'm bisexual" I chuckled she said "woah you laughed simon said you never do that" I said "it's rare but I had to because I could picture you dancing with a purple dinosaur" she laughed she said "what about you ? Why are you the ice queen?" I sighed i took off my crop too I was wearing a sports bra I showered her my back and my stomach I said "this is one of the reasons" she was tracing them she said "who did this?" I said "my father my mother never knew" she said "what are the other reasons?" I sighed I said "Lauren jauregui" she said "wait she's the green eyed one in fifth harmony right?" I nodded she said "what happened?" I said "we met when we were 13 we ended up dating we dated for 3 years until one day she randomly said we should just be friends then she walked away she left me there I stood there even when it started raining trying to figure what I did wrong I blamed myself after that day she pretended like I didn't exist even when she said let's just be friends she cut me off she wasn't just my girlfriend she was my best friend she left me at the lowest point in my life she broke me I used to feel love I used to be feel everything but now I can't I feel nothing my body is numb everything is numb my heart feels cold and damaged I wish it would go away but it won't I'm so scared to love someone or be with anyone because I can't go through it again I can't when Lauren left me I wanted to kill myself but I didn't I dealt with her treating me like I was non existent for 3 weeks before I just disappeared from Miami I came to LA simon signed me he gave me a manager she tried to change me and I refused ever since then I've never had one I've never done interviews or promos I've only ever done 5 interviews and they all asked the same question why are you the ice queen and I couldn't just put everything out there she broke me and I can't fix it sel I can't" I broke down right there she hugged me she said "shh I'm here let it out" I said "I have anxiety and I still get nightmares the memory of leaving me replays in my head the memories of my dad replayed in my head I just want the pain to go away there are days I wish I wasn't alive but I stay for lily I stay for her" I cried in Selena's chest she just held me she said "you wanna sleep with me tonight?" I nodded I was still crying she picked me up she carried me to her bunk I laid my head on her chest she just held me I cried myself to sleep
Selena's POV
After hearing her story she's not cold hearted she's broken and guarded she's so broken and shes so damaged that she her emotions shut off she just gave up on it she's scared of love because of Lauren I need to call demi or Taylor because I wanna help her i looked down I saw she was asleep I slipped out of bunk I texted Taylor I said
"Skype 5 mins I need your advice"
She said "yeah sure"
I got on my laptop opened my skype I called Taylor she said "what's up sel and where are you?" I said "on the tour bus with the ice queen" she went wide eyed she said "is she a Bitch likes everyone says she is?" I felt like crying because of her story I cover my mouth I felt tears well up in my eyes I said "she's not she's scared" Taylor furrowed her eyebrows she said "what do you mean? And why do you look like your about to cry?" I saw her coming out of the bunks with a blanket wrapped around her she sat by me and laid her head on my shoulder she said "you can tell her I'm fine with it she could probably write a song out of it she's Taylor she could write a song out of anything" Taylor laughed she said "she's right" Taylor said "nice to meet you ice queen" she said "call me y/n but don't tell anyone my name not most people know it and sel go ahead tell her" I said "shes not cold hearted or anything actually she's broken and guarded" i paused I said "y/n go back to sleep I'll be there soon" she nodded and got up and went back to sleep Taylor said "continue" I sighed I said "her body is covered in scars tay like scars you get from being stabbed on being abused she told me her father did them but her mom never knew but I found out the main reason she's like this" Taylor said "why?" I said "she dated Lauren Jauregui they met at 13 they dated for 3 years until one day Lauren told y/n that they should just be friends nothing else and just left y/n standing there she stood there even when it began to rain and was trying to figure out what she did wrong after that Lauren just treated her like she didn't exist y/n wanted to kill herself she wasn't just her girlfriend but her best friend after 3 weeks of being treated like she was non existent y/n disappeared from Miami and came to LA she broke down earlier I've never seen someone cry so much she just kept saying her body is numb she use to feel love she used to feel everything but now she doesn't she's scared to love someone or be with someone because she can't go through the pain again" I let tears go down my cheeks Taylor said "so while everyone thinks that she's a cold hearted Bitch she's just a 20 year old girl who is broken on the inside and wishes the pain would stop?" I said "she wants it all to go away she cried for 4 hours I just held her 4 hours until she fell asleep tay" she said "sel all you can really do is be there for her she may have other people but she's gonna need you she's gonna need your support if anyone can fix her sel it would be you but would you date her?" I nodded she smiled she said "just be you sel you're amazing person be there for her support her keep her away from Lauren because she may be broken but she's gonna feel angry towards Lauren just be by her side and stay there don't leave her don't forget about her don't do any of that" I said "thanks tay I'll check up on you soon" she hung up I went back to my bunk she was already asleep I got in next to me and cuddled into me she said "if I wasn't broken sel I'd date you" I smiled I just held her and fell asleep

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