Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Sometimes, no matter how convinced you are, how determined you are to live your life a certain way, something happens that changes the course of your existence, leading you to places and people you never imagined it would. It could be something small, one of hundreds of everyday decisions you make that cause that ripple effect. You ride the tide without knowing what kind of impact you'll eventually make on others and they on you. Or it could be something big and unexpected, a crazy random twist of fate that one day grabs on and sweeps you in a new and completely different direction. On the way, you crash into other people riding the consequences of their own conscious and subconscious choices.

I think about serendipity a lot. I also think about coincidence, if such a thing even exists. I think about the set of circumstances that put people in certain places at certain times and not some other ones. And I think that oftentimes there's something at work in our subconscious, leading us to make choices that ultimately impact not only the rest of our lives, but others' lives as well.

Living in nature as much as I have, I'm aware of the rhythm of life around me and how all things serve some purpose. Nothing is wasted—not food, not energy, not time. In the wild, everything is inherently linked to everything else. Maybe that's why Jared and I found each other here after that chance encounter fourteen years ago, and this time it was he that needed to be rescued in my environment just like he'd once rescued me in his. Everything always comes full circle. Always.

Jared's calm out here. He's working toward a place of peace inside himself and with me. Just this morning I found him sitting up on a rocky outcropping as the sun rose over the canyon. He sat in a pensive but relaxed pose, serenity almost visibly radiating from him. I watched him from a distance, not advertising my presence. I can see the weight of everything lifting from him and it's a beautiful thing to see. I only wish I could find a way to keep that burden from returning to his shoulders.

I know how much he misses climbing. I can see it in the look of longing he's given the cliff walls around us. I only hope one day he can return to that passion of his. The hike yesterday was taxing enough, and it's a wonder he can manage that much so soon. But he was in a fair amount of pain last night, and once we crawled into our shelter I did my best to soothe away as much of it as I could. Then we made love, slowly and gently, before falling into an exhausted sleep in each other's arms.

This morning, we're going back to the hut further down the canyon. Shelby and I built it solid enough that it should have weathered just about anything. Since we're not going to camp there, we're leaving our packs behind. I sheathe my knife and, after double-checking the safety, Jared tucks my Max in his pocket.

It's a gorgeous and cloudless morning, the temperature in the sixties and climbing. A steady breeze lifts my ponytail and tendrils break free to blow around my face. Just behind me, Jared makes his way on the old trail, his gait slightly stiff, slightly limping, enough to concern me. We've only gone a couple of miles at the most, with a good two or three more to go.

"You doing okay?" I ask.

He throws me his brilliant smile but I can see the discomfort he's trying his best to conceal. "Doing great."

I keep looking over my at shoulder him even though I continue walking. "You're limping."

He shrugs. "I always limp."

I don't let it go. "Is it your back or your leg? Do you need to stop and adjust your brace?"

"My leg's fine. Aches a little, but it's fine. It's my back that's giving me some hell. Probably slept wrong. Walking should help loosen it up, don't you think?"

"Why didn't you say something?" I ask, slowing down. "We didn't have to do this hike today."

Jared scowls. "Don't baby me, Lanie. I won't get better if you baby me."

Untouchable ~ A Jared Leto/MARS FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now