Chapter 2: New Girl

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Tyler's POV

As I was leaving the biology room I went to my locker. And I got my gym clothes and my math text book. I then dropped off my bag in the math room,then I saw Troye in the hall. He was talking to Sawyer Heartman the captain of the football team. I don't really know Sawyer that well, but from experience that his team mates kindly gave me. With being shoved and pushed me various times I just have to state the fact that I hate how most of the football jocks act so cocky though.

I wish I could tell them a piece of my mind. But let's be honest if I spoke my mind I would be in some deep shit right about now. I went down the hall towards the cafeteria for lunch, when I saw a girl wondering around. She had really short hair, and was wearing a blue plaid shirt with a vest. I'm guess she must be new here. So I then decided to help her out and also due too the fact that she looks different.

Not in a bad way but she looks like the type that doesn't gossip and act like those bitchy populars that stab you in the back. So I kinda just went up too her and asked " you need any help."

"Yeah sorry I'm new and I don't really know where anything is."

I helped her find her to the cafeteria. We got our lunch and she sat with me. "So what's your name by the way, also I'm Tyler Oakley."

" name is Hannah Hart. Nice to meet you Tyler."

"So why did you move here? Not to meddle or anything."

"I moved here because there was a lot of drama in my old school that I was involved in. I was sick of being in a place where everyone looks down at me. So I moved away to finally get away and be happy."

I looked at her very concerned and felt kinda bad, she looked like she was about to burst into tears. So I quickly changed the topic "What do you think of the school so far?"

"It's a lot nicer than my other school. Lots of kids skipped class and the teachers didn't even care." She said then took a bite out of her sandwich.

For about the next twenty five minuets, me and Hannah talked about our favorite shows, iconic queens, and our tumbler Fandoms along with some gossip. It was nice though having someone to talk to with similar interest. And we surprisingly clicked so well.

" Who do you have next period?"

"I have Mr. Wills for math."

"I have Mr. Wills too."

"What's he like." Hannah said as we were throwing away our food.

"Well the thing is it depends on what mood he's in. If he's in a bad mood he turns really strict and serious. And if he's in a good mood he acts really nice to the class and let's them do almost what ever we want." The bell rang and me and Hannah continued our conversation up to math class.

Hannah's POV

As I was wondering the halls trying to find the cafeteria in this gigantic school. Some random guy came up to me, he had blondish hair with bright blue eyes. "Do you need any help."

"Yeah...sorry I'm new here and I don't really know where anything is." I said scratching my head. He offered to help me to the cafeteria and I decide to eat lunch with him.

He seemed nice and it's better then sitting alone I thought. "So what's your name by the way, also I'm Tyler." He said while taking a sip of his water.

" name is Hannah Hart. Nice to meet you Tyler." I said pulling a stupid smile. "So why did you move here? Not to meddle or anything." For a moment I spaced out and remember all those terrible things from my old school. I started to get goose bumps and I stiffened up a bit.

Just remembering how all those assholes treated me because I was a lesbian. And how they basically lured me into there trap, for there own sick twisted game.

I finally snapped out of it and said "I moved here because there was a lot of drama in my old school that I was involved in. I was sick of being in a place where everyone down at me. So I finally moved here so I can be happy."

I bit my lip and try to fight back the tears from falling down my cheeks. "What do you think of the school so far?"

"It's a lot nicer than my other school. Lots of kids skipped class and the teachers didn't even care."

I really don't like to think of that place quite often. The last time I tried to remember what happen I was in a depressing state and almost....well tried too. But since I'm out of that shit hole of a school I can live a normal happy life.

No need to remember the painful past I endured. So for about the rest of the lunch period me and Tyler started talking about our favorite shows, queens that slay us and our tumbler fandoms. I felt like I actually had a friend for the first time.

It was nice finally not being alone or used. We continued our conversion when we began to throw out our trash. "Who do you have next period?"

"I have Mr. Wills for math."

"What's he like?"

"Well the thing is it depends on what mood he's in. If he's in a bad mood he turns really strict and serious. And if he's in a good mood he acts really nice to the class and let's them do almost what ever we want."

The bell rang and me and Tyler continued our conversation up to math class. Can't wait to meet my new moody math teacher I guess.

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