Chapter 23: Helping Others

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Back at his manor, Langstrom Krei grinned as he stared at the Crown of Nightmares. "Isn't it beautiful?" he said to his guards, staring at the crown. "It was so easy to steal it from that pathetic Hiro Hamada."

"Yeah." A guard said. "We never knew that Professor Callaghan helped in it's development."

Langstrom grinned. He stared at the newspaper of Callaghan's arrest from a month and a few days ago. "It's amazing how far people will go to get what they want. Callaghan wanted his daughter back, and I wanted the Crown of Nightmares." He grinned. "That made sabotaging my feeble baby brother's wormhole device all the more worth it!"

"Callaghan believed that Krei caused his daughter to be lost on purpose!" one of the guards said. "Yeah!" another said, "It was so easy that he got sentenced to prison!"

"Oh, he thought he was gonna get what he wanted." Langstrom said. "I can't believe how gullible he was to fall for it!"

"Anyway, what if Big Hero 6 try to stop you?" another guard asked. "Oh, I'm not that bothered about that, either." Langstrom said. "Callaghan provided me with the perfect weapons system. When Hiro and his friends come to stop me, I'm gonna be sure to execute them. PERMANTENLY!"

He cackled evilly, then he grinned evilly. He stared at a familiar shape of something in a chamber.

"But first.... howzabout we create a little... diversion?"

THE Next day....

Hiro and his friends, and Callaghan soon found out on the news that a swarm of robots were invading San Fransokyo.

Then, they soon got word that a swarm of robots were in the industrial district, near the lab of Antonio and Sharon Scalin.

"Hiro!" Sharon called. "We've got a problem here!"

"Yeah!" Antonio said. "Robots are attacking here too! They want to attack our lab and destroy our research!"

Suddenly an explosion happened outside. "You'd better hurry!" Antonio called. "They've just broken in, and now, I think they're gonna-"

The communicaton to Sharon and Antionio went dead.

Finally, a call came from the mountains, from Gregor Fiddleford.

"Hiro, guys!" he said. "I'm glad I caught ya. Strange robots are attacking the mountain! If they hurt me, this is gonna turn out like that movie me and Robbie saw a few semesters back!"

Callaghan's eyes widened. "You and Gregor saw a movie in college?" Hiro asked Callaghan.

"I'd rather not explain." Hiro said. "It might give you and your friends nightmares."

The team stared. "Right now," Callaghan added, "We have to stop Langstrom Krei. That crown is dangerous in the wrong hands."

"First things first," Hiro said, "we have to take out those robots. Langstrom needed Yama's help to help get the Nightmare Crown, so now, we should cripple the robots."

"Hiro, I am detecting 3 robot siphons in the area." Baymax said, showing the locations of the 3 robot siphons.

"That's exactly what we'll do." Callaghan said. "We'll smash the siphons and retake San Fransokyo for good."

"Great." Wasabi said. "But..." he added, "to destroy all 3 of them quickly before Langstrom tries anything, we'll have to split up!"

"OK." Hiro said. "GoGo, Wasabi, you take the one at the industrial place, Me, Callaghan, and Baymax will take out the city one, and Honey, You and Fred go to the mountains."

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