Chapter One

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"There was a whole magnificent soul burning brightly behind her shy." - Atticus

"Tiombe!" He called, giving her a glare that would make demons run away in fear and then tilting his head, a clear sign of come.

Trembling, Tiombe slowly made her way over to him, every step a burden, a warning, a weight that refused to go away. Tiombe knew what would happen when she got there. She knew what was awaiting her. But no matter how much her mind and body screamed in protest, she continued to walk towards him, because while she feared what was going to happen, she was even more terrified of what would happen if she refused.

She knew the consequences of disobeying him, and so she continued onward, her feet dragging and breaths coming in short gasps for air. Once she reached him, she was practically shaking, her dark brown skin had paled considerably, and her eyes were brimming with tears.

"Down." He ordered, and when she hesitated, he said, in an even louder voice, "Now!"

Once she was on her knees, he continued talking, all the while giving her the coldest glare made out of pure hatred.

"Tiombe, you've been a bad girl. You know better than to do what you did, you nasty little peice of shit." His voice was starting to break, his face losing its calm demeanor as his anger built. "Now, you know what happens to bad girls, don't you Tiombe." She nodded her head. "So, to make sure that you've learned your lesson, I'm going to make it so that you'll never forget this."

Tiombe only had a chance to glance up at him before he struck her face, hard.

Her head whipped to the side while the left side of her face stung.

She started to lift a hand up to it but he smacked it away, and then proceeded to kick her, causing her to let out a small whimper before falling backwards.

Hearing her whimper of pain, he proceeded to laugh. A cold, merciless laugh that made Tiombe shudder. Pushing herself up to a sitting position, she started to stand when he cut her off with another kick to the stomach, this time hitting her ribs.

She stumbled and fell onto her back, immediately curling up onto her side and clenching her teeth to keep from crying out. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to hold back the tears. I will not let him see me cry, she thought. I will not give him that satisfaction.

Lifting her head up, Tiombe just barely missed another kick, rolling away just in time. Hearing him growl in frustration, Tiombe immediately regretted dodging the kick.

"How dare you try and avoid punishment!" He screamed, his face inches from hers. He was so close that she could smell the stench of alcohol on his breath. "I was going to let you off easy, but since you've decided to try and get out of it, I've decided to change my mind." Grinning like a maniac, he slowly pulled out a switchblade, it's silver handle gleaming in the sunlight that seeped through the windows.

"Now I'm gonna make sure that you never forget this moment." He said before Tiombe heard the click of the switchblade, and then she saw him raise it up towards her face, before plunging it down.

Tiombe shot up, waking in a cold sweat and gasping for air. The nightmare and many similar had been plaguing her since she had gotten home for summer break. They had started ever since her boyfriend had decided that he was sick of being nice, and that causing her pain was much more enjoyable than causing her happiness.

Once she had calmed down some, Tiombe slowly lifted a hand up to the right side of her face, gently touching the scar that ran down it. The scar went all the way from the edge of her eye to the edge of her jawline, a thin white line among the sea of brown.


Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and her mothers frantic yelling was one of the best ways to wake up, at least in Tiombe's mind. Pushing herself up and out of bed, Tiombe proceeded to reassure her mother that she was awake, before going through the same routine that she went through every morning.

Take shower,get dressed, brush hair, brush teeth, do makeup, do nails, and go to kitchen to eat breakfast.

Even though it was the same routine that she went through every morning, today Tiombe went through it with a new type of energy, excitement. For today was the first day of September, which meant that today she would be going back to Hogwarts.

This filled her with new energy and excitement, but also with fear and dread. As much as she loved Hogwarts, going back meant going back to Caleb, and that was something that she had been dreading all summer.

Deciding that she would focus on those issues later, Tiombe dismissed her worries and instead focused on looking her best for the day.


Sitting in an empty compartment, Tiombe sat staring out the train window, hoping that Caleb hadn't seen her at the station and wouldn't find her until she got to the school.

Unfortunately, luck was not on her side today as not a second after she wished him gone, her compartment door opened and he came waltzing in.


Sirius' P. O. V.

"Hey! Hey Padfoot! Got lost in your thoughts again?" A voice called, jerking Sirius out of his thoughts. Looking up, he saw that it was none other than James Potter, his best mate, that had pulled him out.

"Y-ya. Just got lost in thought. What were you saying?" He said, dismissing his earlier thoughts. Sirius -NO. Not now.

"Oh we were just talking about Quidditch, and how we thought we're going to beat Slytherins' --"

But James never got to finish what part of Slytherin they were going to beat as someone suddenly came crashing into their compartment. This particular someone had flaming red hair that was standing up in all directions. They looked a mess. Their robes were torn in odd places and their tie was thrown over their shoulder. Their face was covered in what looked like ash and their hands we're covered in it too. Regardless of their haphazardly appearance, they wore a proud, devilish smirk. This someone was no other than Fabian Prewett.

"Prewett, what are you doing here?" said James, clearly still a bit shocked as to why the red-haired boy had suddenly tumbled into their compartment.

"Oh, you know. Just got back from pranking some Slytherin compartment, but a nasty little prefect just happened to come out of their compartment the moment I was leaving. Had to make a run for it and this was the only compartment close enough." He seemed to be out of breath as he said this, which told Sirius that he wasn't lying.

"What did you do this time? And oi! You little cheater! We had an agreement! You said that you wouldn't prank until we got to the school!"

Fabian only grinned at James' little outburst. "No," he said, "Gideon said that. I never agreed to such a thing."

The little bugger, Sirius thought. He was right, he never did agree to such a thing. We must have thought that he did since they look so alike. Bet they were counting on that.

"Anyway, as much as I'd like to stay and chat, I've got other places to be. See you guys later." And with a tip of his nonexistent hat, he slid open the compartment door and left.

"Anyways, like I said earlier, we're going to dominate this year's Quidditch season." James started, and soon they fell back into conversation like nothing had happened.

Sirius... NOT NOW! I've got to get away. Now.

Stumbling up, Sirius quickly mumbled something about needing to go to the bathroom before clicking the latch and sliding open the compartment door, nearly tripping on his feet on the way out. Once he was out, he started to walk down the corridor, trying to reach the bathroom. He was clutching at his head and shaking by the time that he was about halfway down the hall.

I'm not going to make it, he thought. I need to find somewhere,n-now.

With this result in mind, Sirius stumbled into the first empty compartment that he could find. At least, he thought it was empty.

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