RoDrian chapt 7

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I dried my body and put on the clothes i wore last night, adrian too, Adrian had to do something forst, so he went out nefore me, a few minutes later,i walk out the room

But suddenly, a moroi woman stand in my way

"Daniella" she smiled bitterly "what is it?" "Lets talk for a moment" she said with a calm voice

We sat down at the cafeteria, she gulped her tea

"Your father... Is Abe Mazur right?""yes" "do you know who is his parents?""no" she breathe heavily "its... Jafar Mazur and... And..""and.. Who?"" Berlinda Ivashkov" she shut her eyes "what?" "Berlinda Ivashkov, Nathan's 3rd cousin" "wh-what do you mean?""you and Adrian, are distant relatives" "no we're not" "bot of you are blood related" "no, Abe deosn't even have enough Ivashkov blood in him that he couldn't get the name, that makes me even less, i'm not Adrian's family" "Rose...""i am his girlfriend! I loved him, i've hold hands with him, i've hugged him, i've kissed him, we've been trough so many things together, now you say he is blood related to me?!""Rose... This is the truth" "i've slept with him!" I finally said it "wh--what?you... What?""i've slept with Adrian, just last night, now you're saying he is my distant relative?" "Rose... You slept with my son?""he always pushed for it, he had wait long enough" Daniella looked damn astonished "we'll talk about this tomorrow""no, i'm never gonna talk about it" i said harshly

"Little dhampir where have you been?""your mom came, and we have a little chitchat" he nod "its good that you're getting along with her""yeah, sort of"

we walk hand in hand to Dimitri's room , he knocked "come in" we barged in, "Rose, Lord Ivashkov, please sit down " i sit down beside Adrian "so, what you both had been doing is against school rules" "we notice" i answer "Rose" Dimitri scowled , i grab Adrian's pale hand ( its always pale) "you leave first" Dimitri ordered "you sure you'll be okay?""what could happen to me? My teacher's here,go" he left the room

"Roza, why would you do that? You know that is considered dirty" "talk like you havent done it to me , and besides, its not 'considered' dirty, it is, dirty"

He'd been drinking my blood when he was strigoi

"Roza, it was-"" the same, i did it with Adrian and whatever happens between me and him, is not your business, "he holds my hand "Roza" "if you're guessing that i'm trying to hurt you, you're right, " my eyes are cloaked in tears , but suddenly Adrian opened the door "little dhampir wh-" i can see his whole world has just fall apart "Adrian, i-" he looks as hurt as it is "lets talk , please" i caught his hand, he press shut his eyes,"alright"

We sat down at the park's bench "I'm sorry,' I said. It was the simplest and most appropriate thing I could say. 'I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. I didn't mean for it to happen. I thought . . . I really thought he and I were done. I was with you. I wanted to be with you. And then it just-'

'No, no-stop.' Adrian held up a hand, his voice tight now as his cool facade continued to crumble. 'I really do not want to hear about how it just happen or whatever it is 'what could happen to me?my teacher's here' ha" he said in a mocking tone

I stayed silent because, well, that kind of had been my revelation.

Adrian ran a hand through his hair. 'Really, it's my fault. It was there. A hundred times there. How often did I see it? I knew. It kept happening. Over and over, you'd say you were through with him . . . and over and over, I'd believe it . . . no matter what my eyes showed me. No matter what my heart told me. My. Fault.'

It was that slightly unhinged rambling-not that nervous kind of Jill's, but the unstable kind that worried me about how close he was getting to the edge of insanity. An edge I might very well be pushing him toward. I wanted to go over to him but had the sense to stay seated.

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