Chapter 11: Surprise

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Following the address Jungkook sent, you made your way out of your apartment and through the neighbourhood, in the direction of the main city area.

It was early summer, so while the air was heavy during the day, the nights were milder, with a pleasant intermittent breeze. The sun had just set, giving the streets a muted warmth.

As you neared the destination, you couldn't help but feel nervous. He didn't give much away in his texts, and you wondered why Jungkook wanted to meet at this place in particular. It was about a twenty minute walk from your apartment, but you didn't know the area. You kept hold of your phone to give you directions.

When you were one turning away, you slowed down a little, walking cautiously around the corner, and your eyes immediately spotted Jungkook. He was leaning against the wall of a building, looking around.

The street had a couple of shops, but most things were closed by now. When he saw you, he walked a couple of steps in your direction, waiting and fidgeting a little.

"Hey," he said as you approached. He didn't look angry or uncomfortable - it was hard to tell what he was thinking.

"Hey, are you doing okay? I came as quickly as I could." You replied, searching his face for any hint of how he was feeling.

"Yeah, I'm good," he said casually. "Let's go inside?"

"Oh, sure," you nodded.

He turned into an alley between a restaurant and a shop before pushing open a door that was easy to miss. A sign suggested it was some kind of bar, and stairs lead down directly behind the entrance. You followed him down the dimly lit stairway, looking at a few pictures of musicians on the brick walls, until you came to what looked like the actual entrance; a pair of wooden doors with obscured glass and more photographs on the walls. You could hear music from within.

Jungkook glanced back at you, then stopped a few feet from the door. "Why so quiet?"

Taken aback, you spoke nervously. "Hm? Uh- well I- You said you wanted to talk, and things have been weird since everything with V.."

"Hey, you don't need to look so serious like that," he said.

You began to feel stressed. Since you hadn't talked about things with Jungkook yet, a lot was bottled up.

"I haven't had the chance to talk to you properly. I gave you all that letter because I was too scared, or didn't know, how to approach you about it. I should have.."

"Y/N.. I didn't realise it got to you this much. Why didn't you say something earlier? You were acting like nothing was wrong." He frowned in concern.

"I was so worried you'd hate me! And that was terrifying. I thought you wouldn't want to talk to me-"

Your words were interrupted as Jungkook stepped towards you, and slowly wrapped his arms around you in a gentle embrace. Stunned, you froze.

"Don't say that. How could I hate you? Don't you know me?" He said quietly, his lips so close to your ear you could feel his breath.

Lost for words, you hesitantly reached your arms around him too. His back felt firm when you held him, his arms strong and his neck smooth against your cheek. Your heart was beating so fast you thought he must have felt it.

After a moment he let go of you, seeming almost as flustered by the hug as you. He scratched the back of his head a little awkwardly, before clearing his throat and saying something to fill the silence.

"I think I know how to make you feel better about all this," he smiled, stepping towards the doors behind him.

"What do you mean? What is this place?" You frowned, still reeling from the sudden hug.

"Just come on," he laughed, reaching a hand out to you. "Do you trust me?"

You nodded, taking his hand tentatively. "Of course I do."

Leading you over, he gave your hand a little squeeze, pushing the doors open.

As soon as you stepped inside the bar you were greeted by the energetic shouts of six familiar voices, and sure enough, the rest of BTS were inside, sitting around a table of drinks. As you gazed around in shock, your eyes couldn't help but be drawn to V. As you walked in he looked up, his eyes locking with yours.

Then his face broke into a smile - a big, cute, dorky smile that made your heart skip a beat.

"W- what's going on?" You stammered, overwhelmed.


So it looks like things aren't so bad after all! Why are all of BTS waiting for you?

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