Is This a Good or Bad Emo Arranged Marrige?

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emo arranged marrige ch 1

Evangelines pov

ughhh fricken alarm clock i think to mi self as it wakes me up for yet another day i get out of bed and do mi 'duty' in the bathroom. i look at mi self in the mirror and she a pale and clear skin girl thats a little shorter thean everyone else with percing light blue eyes and who wears black nail polish and whos skinny with a nice hourglass figure . then i brush and straighten mi hair, its sweet its black with sideswept bangs and lime green tips with electric blue and neon yellow streaks. i put some mascara and black eyeliner on to make mi peircing light blue eyes pop more. i brush mi teeth and then i go back to mi room in which everything is black and get dressed. i put on mi black bowling for soup t shirt thats tight and loose in all the right places, some black and blue plaid shorts and finnaly mi black knee high converses. i head downstairs to find a note and 20 bucks on the kitchen table the note said


sorry we had to go to work early again, you know how we hate leaving you alone but it was urgent. have a good day at school today


mom and dad

when ever they have to go to work early they always leave me money because they feel bad, i mean im sad they had to go but not sad they left me more money. there both lawyers and make a good amount of money, were not rich but were not poor either. my mornings when they go to work early are really quiet, its just me at home. i have 1 other sibling, charlie, but unfourtantly hes at college, i am really close to him, i think hes the best big bro in the world. im in mi senior year at mooncrest high. i grab a energy bar and get in mi shiny black car and go to jades house(jades one of mi 2bffs)

(a/n: as u can see i dnt no much bout cars)

* 10 minuets later, jades house*

when i pull in her drive way i see her walk to the car. her hair is black with purple streaks and is naturally curly, shes wearing a plain blue t shirt that says peice out and has a picture of mr potatoe head falling apart ,black shorts and tie dye knee high converses'hello evangeline' she says as she get in mi car and i start driving to school. even though my names long i dont like nicknames'hey jadey' i say as she gives me a fake glare, she hates it when i call her that. i just shake mi head and laugh preparing for mooncrest high school were every guy wants me as there girlfriend, they say that but they just all want in my pants but im a virgin till i marry someone

Jasons pov

'stupid alarm clock' i say as i look across mi black and lime green room toward the pile of wires and plastic that used to be mi alarm clock' dosnt it no i need sleep' i say as i shake mi head. i go to the bathroom and look at mi self in the mirror im a decent height have tan skin and georges violent purple eyes i sleep with out a shirt so i coulld see mi awesome six pack. i make mi hair look not tangled and brush mi teeth then go get dressed. i put on a black shirt tht has orange and yellow paint splatterings on it light wash jeans(non skinny or baggy) and throw on some purple chucks. i go downstairs and find mi parents gone as usual, there both doctors so i guess u could say were rich and they are always gone. i go to the kitchen grab mi 30 bucks they leave me every day, grab a tiny orange and head to the garage. i get in mi black car with a lime green stripe and head to orange nest high or as i like to call it mi personal heaven with all the girls drooling over me and me awesome looks. even though they all want me which im good with, they just want me for sex and nothing else. even though they all always try to seduce me im proud to say im a virgin and im keepin it that way till i find the right one and till after i marry her


this is mi first story and im nt sure if its good or not , plz leave a comment telling me if its good or bad and want i can change or somethings, plz dont hold back thnxs


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2010 ⏰

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