She brought the glass to her lips, gagging slightly as she swallowed the drink. Why did she agree to this?
She made a bet with her friend that she couldn't beat her at their favorite video game and, lo and behold, she couldn't.
Her "punishment" was that she had to drink one (1) glass of milk, which is obviously disgusting. She slammed the (still full) cup of milk on the counter, unable to drink for than a drop. Her friend was doubled over in laughter next to her, finding the situation hilarious. She glared at her before turning back to the glass and hesitantly picking it back up, planning to down it all, like ripping off a band-aid.
She got halfway through it before gagging again and stopping, causing milk to spill all over her shirt.
She glared at her (out of breath from laughing) friend again before going to change. She stared in the mirror in her bedroom after doing so, deep in thought about the monstrosity that is milk.
She sighed, before opening her bedroom door to suffer.

A Tribute to Rhi
Short Storymilk is gross and ill fight anyone who says otherwise fuck you