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"Hey SinB!" Yuju placed her arm on SinBs shoulder.
"Hey. You won't believe what happened yesterday. It was so weird"
"Oh I'll believe it. What happened?"
"So I have this special spot I like to go to often and last night I open my eyes and there's this girl sitting besides me! Weird right?"
"Yeah that's kind of creepy"
"I know right anyways she said she doesn't have friends and she doesn't go to school"
"I know right. I told her that and she said she'd love to go to school"
"Wow she's weird"
"I know, she's so weird. I tried to act calm but I was kind of scared. I was trying to get away from her as fast as I could"
"I would to. She could've been a killer"
"Yeah you're right" SinB agreed.
"Oh by the way Sowon wanted me to tell you that she wants to ask you something"
"Sowon? As in...Kim Sojung? the Kim sister Sojung?" SinB didn't believe it for one second.
"Yes as in the Kim sister Sojung. Who else would I be talking about?"
"I don't know. You'll figure it out when you see her"
"Well where is she? Where am I supposed to meet her?" SinB asked.
"I don't know-oh here she comes!" Yuju turned SinBs body around so she'd be facing the Kim sisters. Every step she took made SinB even more worried. Soon enough Sowon was standing right in front of SinB.
"Uhhhh...." SinB was speechless. She didn't know what to say. What is she even supposed to say in a situation like this?
"You're SinB right?" Sowon asked.
"...y-yes" SinB could feel her face heating up slowly.
"I heard you failed the test...that's worth 45% of your grade"
"That's...that's true"
"So I'm here to make a deal with you"
"A...a deal? What kind of deal?"
"I'll help you study"
"How is that a deal?"
"If you past the test....will you go out with me?"
SinB had agreed to the deal, not because she likes Sowon but because if she had said no the students that were around her would have started to bully her because they're Sowons fans. Stupid right?

Why did Sowon even make the deal though? Does she perhaps like SinB? But she doesn't even know SinB. How can you like someone when you don't even know anything about that person? Wouldn't that just be liking someone for what they look like? Is beauty really all that maters in a person?

SinB never cared what people looked like. Beauty didn't matter to SinB, what mattered was your personality, your quality, who you truly are. SinB was never about hiding your true self. SinB always showed who she truly is and most people didn't like it, most people thought she was a freak and a devil but SinB doesn't need people she can handle herself, plus she only needs her 2 best friends.

Yuju and Eunha were excited for SinB. They don't understand why SinB wouldn't want to study with or date Sowon, everyone at the school would want to. People were obsessed with the younger Kim sister aka Umji but Sowon was more popular and people cherished her more. Students always say Sowon looks like a model.

To SinB, Sowon was just another girl. Yeah SinB envied the Kim sisters but they were still just 2 other human beings that live on Earth.

"Why don't you want to study or date Sowon?" Yuju asked.
"Because she's just not my type" SinB replied.
"She's Everyone's type" Eunha chuckled.
"Obviously not" SinB said and the other two glared at her.
"Seriously though SinB, why don't you want to date or study with her?" Yuju asked again.
"Because I barely even know her and she barely knows me. Why would she want to date me? Only for my looks, exactly. I want someone who actually loves me for who I am" SinB could've went on and on about why she doesn't want to be with Sowon but she decided to stop before Yuju and Eunha freak out on her.
"So then why did you agree?" Eunha looked at me like I'm stupid.
"Because if I had said no I would have gotten bullied"
"Bullied for what?"
"Sowon fans are crazy. If you don't like her then they come after you and if I had said no then what do you think would happen to me?"

SinB didn't want to hurt Sowon in the end but she didn't want to get herself hurt either.

"So you're actually gonna study with her?" Yuju asked.
"I have no other choice. It's either that or get beat up. I can't ruin my pretty face now can I?" SinB smiled but the other 2 girls just stared at her blankly. They liked SinBs sense of humor but a lot of the time they didn't understand it nor did they ever understand her. SinB truly is a mystery.
"SinB people would love to be you right now. You're lucky" Yuju jokingly glared at SinB.
"I wouldn't call it luck but you can call it whatever you want" SinB said as she began tidying up her room.
"What are you doing? Why are you suddenly cleaning?" Eunha questioned.
"Sowon is coming over to study and I can't have my room a mess can I? That'd be a bad first impression...that is unless I've already left an impression for her"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean like maybe I already left an impression earlier or maybe some other time when I didn't notice"
"Why would she want to go out with me? Maybe I left her an impression of some sort that I don't remember or I just didn't notice" SinB responded with a hint of annoyance from having to repeat herself.
"Oh that makes sense. Me and Yuju will get going now"
"Bye" They bid their goodbyes before leaving. After dinner Sowon arrived. SinB texted her the address earlier. A lot of people at school know Sowons number.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Hwang" Sowon bowed, still standing at the doorway.
"Hello. Who are you?" Mrs. Hwang asked.
"I'm here to help SinB study for a retake test" Sowon answered.
"Alright then. Would you two like any snacks?"
"No thanks I just had dinner but thanks for the offer" Sowon bowed again.
"Ok then head on upstairs and get your study on!" Mrs. Hwang smiled and put her fist up to her shoulders.
"Shall we go then?" Sowon asked.
"We shall" SinB led Sowon up to her room and they began studying.

A/N: you have been blessed with 2 updates in 1 day. You're welcome 😂❤️🤷🏻‍♀️

 You're welcome 😂❤️🤷🏻‍♀️

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I love photobombing 😂

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