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Name: yuki-nima soso-ah
Age: 17
Hobie's: singing dancing and drawing
Dated: yoongi,
Ex lover: yoongi
Status: the sky
Friends: yeomay,loli,susu and cakeo
Best friend: cakeo
Crush: don't know yet
Group: Blackpink
Family: me dad and blue our cat
School: yakinay high
Nickname: yuki, nima, flower or snow

Hi I'm yuki-nima soso-ah, I'm 17. My Hobie's are to sing dance and draw, I dated yoongi and my ex love is yoongi we broke up a year ago the same year cakeo and Jungkook broke up due to him cheating I then realized that yoongi was cheating as well, we had a big fight and broke up. My status is the sky because I love the color of it as always. Friends are yeomay cakeo susu and loli. My best friend is cakeo we met through yoongi and jungkook but she's the only thing I can thank them for. I don't know who I like yet really. My group is black pink. Family is just me dad and blue our kitten. School is yakinay high school. And my nick name is yuki, nima, flower or snow because my nicknames represent my name which is yuki-nima which means snow flower. BTW I'm the flower of the group. Byaa.

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