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Next update is quick, lol. I just really love this story and want to share with everyone.

Please comment. Please vote. Please leave ideas. Enjoy (:

"Hello my Stylers! Welcome to video vlog number 2," Harry introduced, sitting criss crossed on the bed while waving at the camera.

He had a cute smile on his face with his hair pulled back in a small bun. Since it was a bit chilly outside he decided on wearing his lavender sweater he knows Louis adores, accompanied by his black leggings.

Harry looked up from the camera when he heard Louis entering the room, making his appearance known with a small snort, "Stylers?" He questioned.

Harry grumbled childishly as Louis came to sit next to him. He looked over at the boy and offered him a pout, rolling his eyes when Louis shrugged and ran his thumb down Harry's puffy bottom lip.

"That is what I am calling my subscribers," Harry mumbled, suddenly smiling as he turned towards the camera, "Which I received over 100,000 subscribers so thank you all."

"Babe, they all subscribed just to see me," Louis teased, shoulder checking Harry and pressing a kiss to his neck.

"Lies," Harry sung out as he smiled over at Louis. Louis smiled back and couldn't resist leaning in to kiss Harry's lovely lips, humming happily when he felt those slender fingers curling in his hair.

"Maybe this why you have so many subscribers already," Louis whispered against Harry's mouth, kissing him once more before pulling back, "People love watching us together."

Harry blushed profusely with a warm pink coating his cheeks. He bit down on his bottom lip and shyly pushed a curl behind his ear, clearing his throat before looking back.

"Anyways, a lot of people wanted us to do the husband tag for this video with the #AskHarry and #AskLouis," Harry began, reaching over to grab his tablet from the nightstand, "And we shall begin."

Harry giggled to himself as he put the tablet between him and Louis. Louis looked over at him and smiled briefly before noticing the first question was asked towards him.

"CrazyCatz asked me, When was the first time you met Harry?" Louis started, immediately laughing at the memory, "I actually met him at the bakery."

Harry smiled as he noticed a bunch of comments surfacing live on his channel. He had his camcorder set up to film the both of them, but also connected to his laptop to make a live video for his subscribers to comment while they film.

"I was kind of drunk if I am being honest, and Harry was working his shift," he started.

"I was 16," Harry interrupted, having read a comment asking how old they were, "Louis was 18."

"Yeah, so I was with a couple of my lads. This was around the time when I started doing gigs at some bars and clubs," Louis continued, turning to face Harry and biting down on his bottom lip, "Well we went to the bakery that day and I noticed this cutie working behind the counter. I mean curls to die for. Eyes so green it was one of the first things I noticed. Pure beautiful."

Louis paused for a moment when he realized he rambled a bit. He turned towards Harry with a small smile and noticed that the boy was staring shyly at him, a little pink blush on his cheeks with his bottom lip pulled under his teeth.

He glanced over at the comments briefly and saw a swarm of subscribers speaking about how adorable they're being right now. Saying Harry gets all cute and shy when Louis starts talking about him, which is true. Which is why Louis always compliments Harry, he loves seeing his boy get flustered under the affection.

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