Chapter 31

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You were in the capital of Vols and you were wondering how Arte was holding up. By now someone must of told him about your departure. You were scared to think what he might do if he has you within his grasps. You reach the castle and is escorted to a room. You are given a new set of clothes to wear and freshen up.

You then follow the guards to the throne room. Inside you see Cedric, Esther and Arity.

"F/n!" she shouts running over to you and tackling you into a hug. "Your okay." she says through tears. You hug her tightly. Arity was safe. You turn and see Cedric and Esther smiling.

"I must thank you F/n for telling me to smuggle her out. She is really a precious child. With time, I think she will be suited to rule Vols."

"Rule?" you asked confused. You turn to Arity.

"He adopted me." she says with a small smile. 

"It is good to see you are alright." Esther says making her way over to you. "The last time I saw you, you were bleeding and unconscious." You think back to that day and shudder.

"That was in the past. I am alive and well now." you turn to Cedric. "You sent guards to smuggle me here. Why?"

"Well..." he trails off before continuing. "You hold a very important position in Arte's heart. You would be a very crucial person to have when ending the war."

"So basically I am a pawn."

"A pawn is a more derogatory way of saying it. I don't intend on putting you in any danger. It is more like we have Arte join us for a treaty. In order for him to get you, he will have to sign it symbolizing the defeat. Of course though, we won't let him take you. Instead we will have him executed on a later date."

"He won't fall for that. Everything that led to this moment was because he had no direct part in it. That treaty involves him. He isn't stupid."

"That is correct that he isn't stupid, but love can be blinding. He killed Regina after all without regarding whether or not he loses the power he attained."

"Regina is still alive though." Esther looks a little grim and after a moment starts speaking.

"I did some background checks shortly after Regina died. I believed her death was connected to the Emperor and it was. I find out there was a witness who saw Arte kill her. He never testified since that can be considered treasonous if the courts didn't find Arte guilty." It took you a while to process this. You and Regina were never close but you did find some wort of companionship with her. The entire time you believed her to be alive. To know that now she was truly dead hit you hard.

"What exactly am I going to do?" you ask. 

"We will send a letter stating we have you captive. We will negotiate a treaty and if he ever desires to see you again, he will have to follow my rules." Cedric states. Just then a messenger appears.

"A letter from the Emperor of Roan." Cedric takes the letter and opens it.

"What does it say?" Arity asks still holding on to you.

"To the bastard who took my love, we need to discuss things. At the border, two weeks from the date stated on the letter, we will discuss the future of both our empires. I know how much you want to end this war. Bring F/n to the treaty if you even want to have shot at discussing the treaty. Arte Mohned"

"Things appear to be going to how you plan." Esther states reading the letter herself.

"Not entirely. He wants you to be there."

"I'll go." you state calmly. "I know his anger. I experienced it before, so I know what to expect."

"But F/n-" Arity says,

"I'll be fine." You turn to Cedric. When he sees the resolution in your eyes he sighs.

"Your stay was shorter than I thought it would be. No fear though. I guarantee your safety." You were going to be faced with Arte once more. You didn't know how things will go but you know it would be far from easy.

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