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Dedicated to user75069284
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Baekhyun 's  pov.

I was sleeping when Mr byun came to my room and said wake up son it's 9a.m already,,,

Please dady let me sleep a little,,,,

No son wake up,,,, your mom prepared breakfast for you,,,, go and wash your face and teeth faster,,,

Okay daddy,,,,

Son I have a surprise for you

What is it dady???

It's a secret son if you don't do faster how can you know what is it,,,

I did faster and we went with Mr  byun to eat breakfast her wife made for us,,,  ,,

Son can I  feed you??

No mother

My husband do you hear how our son doesn't want me to feed him,, 

Yes my dear wife,,,

Okay mom feed me but alittle,,,

Yes that is my son

Mrs byun will do anything to make me smile I wish she was my mother,,, unlike my mom who will never talk to me until she sees dad is talking to me,,,

We were  done taking breakfast when Mr byun  took me outside for me to see my surprise

Ooooh father you bought for me a horse??

Yes son,,,, do you like it,,,

Yes yes, dad I love it so much it looks the same colour as my salis,,,

Son now you can name it salis

Yes dad thank you so much,,, I run and hugged him,,,

Actually you should thank your mom,,, it was her idea for me to buy you

Momy you are the best I hugged her and kissed her on the cheeks,,,,

Mom I love you so much,,,, I went back to touch my new horse,,   I will name you salis from now,,

Son I also want someone to teach you how to speak fluent English,,,

Really dady???

Yes son and someone is coming to teach you how to dress do you like it,,,

Of course dad,,, you really are the best not even my real dad did this to me,,,

Because am your super dady,,,

Haha dady,,,,

Auncle why are you laughing so much,,,,

Because my son hear is  making me laugh suho,,,

Dad is lying to you Suho actually he is the one who is making me laugh,,,,

You look so cute baek

Haha suho am not cute but handsome like my dad here

Son  suho is right,,,,

Auncle tell him,,, no one can resist him,,,

Yes son,,, by the way have you ever date,,,,

Yes dad and that was when my nightmare started

Thinking we love each other but I guess I was wrong,,,

Am sorry son,,,

I run quickly to my room to cry,,,,

When o remember how he used me,,,,,,
It's too much to take,,,

I was crying when mom came to my room,,,,

It's okay to cry son,,, I hugged her and she  told me to cry as much as I want to erase all the painful memories,,,

Son how about we go to shopping,,,

Really mom
Yes son but we won't go with your dad,,, only me and you

Yes mom but what about suho

He can come with us if you want son,,,,

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