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and she would bow to no one

"YOU'RE back in school?" Alex heard Scott ask as Stiles and her joined him

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"YOU'RE back in school?" Alex heard Scott ask as Stiles and her joined him.

She crossed her arms, facing the twins with a glare. After they tried to kill Boyd, she's hated them ever since.

Ethan shook his head, his brooding brother stationed next to him as he explained, "No, just to talk."

"Oh," Stiles scoffed from behind them, moving to stand next to Alex. "That's kind of a change of pace for you guys. Seeing as how usually, you're just hurting, maiming, and killing."

Aiden ignored Stiles, his attention pinpointed on Scott. "You need a pack — we need an Alpha."

"Yeah, absolutely not," Stiles denied, answering for his two best friends, "That's hilarious, though."

"Scott has a pack," Alex fired at the twins, taking a step in front of Scott. "Sorry, it looks like you'll have to go out and find yourself another alpha." She patted Aiden's chest before she stood back to Scott's and Stiles' side.

"You came to us for help. We helped," Ethan protested.

Alex narrowed her eyes. "You beat his face into a bloody pulp," she reminded them. "And then I beat you to a bloody pulp. Now, that might sound fair, but it's nothing compared to what you guys did to us when you were with Deucalion."

"Why would I say yes?" Scott asked, tilting his head.

"We'd add strength," Aiden explained, giving his brother a knowing look as confidence seemed to radiate off of them. "We'd make you even more powerful. There's no reason to say no."

Alex let out a humorless chuckle at their words.

"Sorry to burst your very small bubble, but I'm stronger, faster and smarter than the both of you combined. I'm what makes this pack — my pack — strong. We don't need you," she spat at them just as Rebekah wondered over to them. "And plus, now my sister has joined the pack, making us a whole lot stronger, stronger than your old pack could ever dream of being."

"I can think of another one," Isaac spoke as he walked over to them. "Like the two of you holding Derek's claws while Kali impaled Boyd. In fact," he turned to face his pack, "I don't know why we're not impaling them right now."

"You want to try?" Aiden stepped forward challengingly.

Alex took a step forward but Scott gripped her wrist. In a flash, she was out of his hold and was holding Aiden up by his throat.

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