Please forgive me, Eadlyn

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Ahren's POV

I swallowed as I sealed the
envelope, a thousand thoughts running through my head. I didn't know what to feel. I was going to miss my family so much, especially my twin. Was it right to leave? Would she ever forgive me? Would I ever speak to her again? Even with these doubts and fears running through my mind, I was still happy. I was getting married to the love of my life. But why did it have to be so complicated?

My hand trembled as I wrote
her name on the envelope.
For Eadlyn
I stared down at the letter in my hands. I had written some things in here that would be very tough for her. I was harsh and cruel, but I was honest. I tried to shake the idea that she would stay mad at me out of my head. I didn't know if I could go through with this.

It was almost too much to bear.
I loved Eadlyn so, so much. She was my twin, my other half. I had always thought brother and sister love was a lot different than that of a husband and wife type relationship, but maybe it wasn't that different. Whenever I had to be away from Camille, sometimes I missed her so much it physically hurt. I felt a similar pain in my chest as I thought about leaving my family.

As Camille walked into my
room, I knew I was making the right choice. When I was with her it was like my heart was flying. "Are you almost ready to go? We need to get moving," she said frantically as she approached me. I wanted to go more than anything, but I also wanted to stay with every ounce of my being. I almost broke into tears at the intensity of the situation. Camille must've noticed. "Ahren, what's wrong?" She asked nervously.

I didn't speak. I couldn't. She
came over to me and looked at the paper in my hands. "Oh, I see," she said with a sigh. "Ahren, I would never force you to leave your family," she added sincerely. I sighed heavily. "I know. I don't want to leave them." Then, I looked up to see Camille's sad face. The love I felt for her was indescribable. "But I would leave them a thousand times for you." She gave me a sympathetic smile, and hugged me tightly. "We really need to go."

"I know. It's just-" I hesitated,
"what if Eadlyn can't forgive me?" My voice hitched, my eyes welling up with tears. "Oh, Ahren," Camille said sweetly. "I know your sister can be a little obstinate, but that won't happen. She loves you too much." I smiled at that. "Thanks sweetheart," I paused, and gently kissed her on the forehead. "I love you." "I love you too."

"So are we gonna get married
or what?" I asked cheerfully, lifting the mood. Camille flashed me her signature smile. "Let's get going." With that, we grabbed our things and headed out of my room.

I kissed the envelope and
whispered, "please forgive me Eadlyn," before handing it to my butler. It felt a little stupid, but it was my only closure. I linked hands with my soon-to-be-wife, interlocking fingers. As anxious as I was about leaving the only home I'd ever known, I was so excited for my life with her. I loved her with all of my heart. All I could do now was hope for the best.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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