Melira's Story

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<P>Prologue My name is Melira, and this is my story. I was born to a couple, who wanted son. So when he realized I was a girl, my father killed my mother, brutally. But first I'll tell you a bit about myself: I am 363 years old, I have flowing, mousey brown hair that rarely if ever does what it's told, I have plain, brown eyes that sparkle when I laugh, or so my friends say. Oh and I should probably mention that I am a superhero. When I transform I am a feline, who used to be a rich golden yellow, much like a cheetah, but I am now black like a panther. That's because I have been alive for so long, and well that causes aging, so I dyed my hair the wrong color, and it turned out a deep charcoal. I have this birthmark on the back of my neck, in the shape of a star that allows me to transform. It's like my power point that helps me focus my powers. I am best friends with someone who has converted to Christianity from being a bodyguard to Satan, my stepsister, Melanie, her husband Johan Newish, and Chaos. Chaos and I first met a while back, after the time of the Pharaoh of Egypt, but before the time of Christ. We are siblings by adoption. My family adopted him. I'll tell you that story later. I am Melira of Dreamland, and this is my story.</P>

<P>Chapter 1 Melira and Chaos had been taking a stroll once again into forbidden territory, and now, because Chaos had decided to ignore her warning of boundary, they both were stuck in enemy prison. The jail cell was dimly lit, without any light source, save one lonely window, that was high in the air. There was a large gap in the door they had been thrown through. She had been thrown in first, then Chaos. He'd knocked the both of them down, and knocking them both out. When she had come around she was slumped against the far wall, and Chaos was just a shapeless heap in the center of the room. She'd scrambled to see if he was alive, checked his pulse, found out that he was alive, and had sighed with relief. Now she glared at him from across the room, where he had his head tilted back, eyes closed, and appearing to be oblivious to their surroundings. As she glared at him, she couldn't help but think about all they had been through together. The memories began flooding back, as unbidden as wild animals. Her first memory, ever in her entire life was of the briefest glimpse of a smile, a blinding white light, a scream. She knew that this had been when her parents realized she was yet another girl. Her father'd killed her mother, and she could remember the blood. None of her other sisters could remember that though. They'd been too young, too innocent, to know anything. Besides, they'd been sleeping. So when her father had cut her mother's throat, and when the crimson flow had finally claimed her mother's life, she pretended to be asleep, by some instinct. Then her father took her out into the field and left her for the wild beasts. But God had a different plan for Melira, and He sent her to Earth, a distant planet, and led two kind-hearted people to the young girl, who was wrapped up in a blanket that was stained by the blood of a mother who couldn't bear male children. They were Jehovah Witnesses, so they raised her the same way. When she was chosen to be Christ's superhero, they had stood by, fear etched into their faces. When she had come down from the clouds that God had took her up into she had been transformed into the superhero; her mother and father hadn't recognized her and chased her away from the homeland that they had brought her up in. She had wandered ever since she had been chased away from her hometown, until one magical night. She had been sleeping and had awoken suddenly by someone taking her away from her campsite into slavery. That night she had discovered how to summon her powers at will, for God contacted her through a dream with the words to help her powers find her. She'd screamed them before her captors clapped their hands over her mouth. Just to prove how powerful the words really were, her transformation took place and blasted her captors with magic. Unfortunately one of them was gifted in magic, and he had stronger magic than Melira. His magic overpowered hers and knocked her out. When she came around, some random stranger was nursing a large gash on her cheek, which had she gotten when she had fallen down after she was knocked out. That stranger hadn't introduced himself, but he was Chaos. The memory of the stranger's face reminded her of her next memory, which was as clear, as crystal: Her first fight ever with her best friend, Liam Shitalskahsson, over a broken necked chicken. He accused her of breaking the poor chicken's neck, and she tried to explain that she had been with him just prior to him finding the dead chicken and he reasoned that she was lying to him. She just gave up on him regardless of her conscience screaming at her to not give up on her best friend. She had learned an important lesson that day: Never give up on your friends, no matter what, the truth will always find its way into their hearts, and they'll believe you, given enough time. And that's what happened to Liam. But by then Melira had found a new friend that trusted her entirely. Liam ran up behind the two of them, spooking the both of them. "Melira, I'm so sorry. You were right; it was a coyote that killed my mother's prized chicken. Will you accept my apology?" Liam had exclaimed. Her new friend had decided to pick a fight with Liam. Of course they both got hurt, Liam beat the new friend up, and killed him. Melira had taken him under her wing, nursed his wounds. When the village found the body of the young man, they grabbed their pitch forks, and torches, and ran Melira and Liam out of town, Melira tripped on a tree root. But when her friend turned back to get her, she screamed at him, "No! Go on! Go save yourself! I'll be fine!" He ignored her and wound up getting himself killed. Melira stumbled away from where they had the funeral pyre which was a blaze. She turned only once, to look over her shoulder and whisper, "Goodbye, my friend. I'll always remember you." Then she was gone, like the darkness had swallowed her up. She had wandered aimlessly for months, searching for a way to free herself from the crushing guilt of tripping and thus ending her friend's life.</P>

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2010 ⏰

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