Violets POV
I woke up late as usual. What is this? Six times in a row? I sighed and kneaded my knuckles to my pupils.
The phone vibrated a message which forced me to sit upright and dangled my legs above the polished white marble floor.Today was the day huh? Oh well. I pranced around the house with tiny white earpieces on my eardrums buzzing a song as I countiued with the usual, brush teeth then scrambled eggs and clean.
I chose a comfertable outift and waited for the clock to stirke 1pm.
It took forever but it happened. So I dragged out a crimson suitcase with everything necessary and stroled my living room until I heard the sound of ' living on a prayer '
It's my sister's ringtone. I had absolutely no say in this what so ever.
" Yeah Arielle , you here yet? " I questioned.
" Yep now get you ass down here, we are going to be late " she replied in the most annoying voice ever.
I fliped the phone shut and make my way to the dreaded exit.
I instantly laid eyes on the girl in the yellow black taxi. She wore a pink jumpsuit with hoops dangling from her porcelain ears. But the massive change that caught me off guard was her hair. She dyed it. How many times does this girl change her hair colour? It was blonde now.
With our differences ( physically and mentally ) no one would call us sisters but here we are going on a bachelorette vacation because she happened to be getting married.
We're going to an island called LAGOONA ISLAND, wierd but her fiance chose it. Ugh I anyways hate her fiance. I don't think he is good for her. He's way too judgemental and annoying. But she won't listen to me.
" It's been months, you're really diffrent Ari " I raise my eyebrows as I shifted inside the taxi.
" I can same the same for you, you hair is unruly as ever.... Im just kidding. Oh my god I'm so excited. We'll be meeting Safia and Maddie at the airport check in so we better hurry "
" Yes mam, I can't wait to be stuck with you guys " I grumbled.
" Oh lighten up, did you read the list? "
" List? What list "
" The list i emalied you two weeks ago, Vio "
" Who the heck checks email? "
She rolled her eyes and handed me a price of pink scented paper with 10 things wititten in bullet points.
1.Backyard movie night
2.Go paintballing
3.Have a bonfireThis felt like a three year old bucket list. When did she have the time to come up with this?
" How old are you Arielle? " I raised an eyebrow.
" Oh hush " she mumbled and texted furiously to whomever she was texting.Looking at the list again, the next one was written in really bad handwriting, it said
"Scu--scu--ba--div-- SCUBA-DIVING!" "ARIELLE NO " I sighed in frustration.
" Come on trying new things remember? You don't have to but I really want you to " " Oh look we've arrived let's get checked in, you can see the whole list on your email later. "
" Fine " I grumbled.
It had been almost two hours after checking in the airport. We met up with Safia and Maddie, two of Arielle's closest friends. I told her to go with her friends but it's compulsory for the maid of Honor to tag along.
We were at a café in the airport busy munching on food before we boards the flight.
Time passed and we were on the plane before we knew it.
The destination wasn't far so after watching two movies , clear water was visible through the window seat. Blackspots of people lay densely on this island.
Once we landed we took taxis to our new home for 2 weeks.
It was a bungalow right by the beach, talk about fancy. It stood right next to the beach and looked absolutely amazing. One thing that I liked on this vacation came to be.
" Wow this is tots fabulous Arielle " Maddie shrieked.
" Let's start with some Mani pedies! " Safia suggested.
This vacation was going to be looonng.
Hi! So I'm writing a fanfiction!! And I'm also writing it on Army Amino, a place for all of bts's family to come together.
If you get a chance follow me there.User name is
TiarashannoncrastoHope you enjoyed, see you next time❤️

Lagoona Island
FanfictionHer soon to get married sister decides on a bachelorette vacation at a fancy island away from everything. Violet has choice but to attend, she's excited but nervous. She doesn't have her best friend with her or her bed and now she is forced to do a...