12|Let's party

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I heard seongwoo called my name , i stood up and grabbed my cluth bag . I walked downstairs and then we headed to the party . Im wore my white dress .

We entered Jinyoung's school hall

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We entered Jinyoung's school hall . It was so big . I held onto Seongwoo's arm and we walked to the others .

" There are the boys ! ." He pointed his finger to a group of boy . Its Daewhi , sungwoon , daniel and minhyun

We walked to them .

" Hey bro ? "

" Hey ? Ssup ? "

" Haerin you came !" Daewhi exclaimed .

" Yes i am . " I let go of seongwoo's arm and moved to daewhi and sat beside him then daniel sat a
other side of me . Now im sitting between daewhi and daniel

I felt daniel's hand slowly moved towards me . Its landed on my shoulder . I felt uncomfortable but i didn't want hurt his feelings so i just ignore .

" Where is the others ? " I asked them

" Why should asked about others ? Im here ." Daniel whispered at my ear i can felt he's breathing at my neck

I ' ve a sensetive neck so i push him a lil bit away .

" Aww you have a sensetive neck so cute !" Daniel said and poked my nose

" Yah daniel ! What are you trying to do with haerin ?" Daewhi realized that and pulled me near to him . Oh thank god !

" I will go to get your drink " Daniel said to me but i quickly stood up

" Its oke i will go and get my own drink " i quickly left him behinde and went to get a drink

Suddenly i felt someone arms around my waist . I turned and its a guy . I dont know who is that but he's drunk i tried to escape my body from him but he hugged me tightly

" Let go of me !" I said to the guy

" No , lets follow me i will take a good care of you " he kissed my neck oh i hate this

" Hyungseob , dont touch her please " someone said to the guy .

" Baejin ! " Its baejin i was shocked he looked so adorable but its not the right time for fangirling

" Why should i baejin and what this girl mean to you ? " The guy asked baejin but now he putted his hand on my shoulder

" Im her boyfriend so hand off my girl . She mean everything to me " baejin said. I felt my heart beating faster . I fell for him ? Yes ? No ? Oh damn !

The man slowly let go of me and walked away from us .

" Thank you baejin ! " I thanked him

" My pleasure ,btw you look beautiful tonight " he said

" Liar ! " We laughed

"No i mean it "

" Lets go ! " He grabbed my hand and we walked together to our place . The boys are looking at us .

" I helped her . Just now someone is going to take her from us " Jinyoung said before everyone ask

" Oh . I thought you guys have a special relationship " Guanlin said and looked towards our hands

We quickly left each other hands .

" Who is that guy ? Let me kick his ass " Daniel said angryly

" Its oke , no need to do that " i said and sat between seongwoo and guanlin

I sat quitely im so scared because of an accident .

" Are you scared ? " Guanlin realized that .

I nodded . He took my hand and held it . " Its oke im here . " We held each other hands .

I saw Jihoon is walked to us with a girl .

" Oh haerin-ah , im sorry i should not bring her i will hurted you " jihoon said

" Hahah its oke she dont even care about you" guanlin said to him

" Wait did you guys are holding hands ?" Jihoon asked us

" Yes ! " Guanlin said without hesitation .

" Yah its not fair ! There should be me hold your hand !"

" Its fair , you are holding that girl's hand " Guanlin pointed his finger to their hands .

" I hate you guanlin "

I saw jinyoung is staring at us . I felt guilty . I let go his hand .

" Whats wrong ? " Guanlin asked .

" Nothing . I should go home . I need my beauty sleep " i said and stood up .

" Are you serious ? " Seongwoo asked me

" Yes , its oke if you want to stay . I will walk home by myself " i said to him and left the place .

The school is not too far from my house . It just take 5 minutes walk hom .

I laid on my bed after changed my dress to a panjamas . My phone is vibrates and there's a notification .

You have a massage from baejinyoung
Read /ignore


Are you arrived safely ?


No baejin i need helped !!!
Pleaseee !!


Where are you now ?!?
Haerinn !!
Haerinn where are you ?!


Im kidding
Im oke


You worried me !
Err . Why are you going home so quick ?
You are not sleeping


Because i felt uncomfortable
So better i just laid on my bed
Its more comfortable


Want me to go there ?


Nah its oke . You should enjoy the party
and dance with a girl


I want to dance with you 😫


In my dream haha
Goodnight !


See you in your dream !

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