One day, a bird, a squirrel, a fish, and an eel got together and decided to start a school. Naturally, the bird insisted on a flying school. But the squirrel argued for training in perpendicular tree climbing. And the fish, a swimming college.
The heated debate seemed to go on forever until the eel proposed a compromise: Why not let all these things be included in the curriculum?
And so the school formally opened with all the students taking all the courses.
The bird was glorious at flying but a big flop at swimming. It didn’t take long however for his wings to be damaged by the freestyle and breaststroke, he finally got a C in flying, and naturally, an F in swimming.
The squirrel broke all his bones as he tried flying. (She jumped from the tallest tree she could find and shouted, “Darna!” It didn’t work. She wasn’t in a two-piece.)
And the fish? He couldn’t breathe too well when he tried climbing or flying. Until he got sort of brain damaged and wasn’t a great swimmer at the end of the semester.
Guess who was the valedictorian of the class?
The eel. He did everything in a half-way fashion. In tree climbing, he sort of squirmed his way up. In swimming, he wriggled on the water. And in flying, well, he jerked. So he got a C in all his courses and ended up highest in the class. (I got The Animal School storyfrom Leo Buscaglia, in his bestseller, Love, but I couldn’t resist changing and adding a few details.)
Life isn’t about trying to be an expert in everything. It’s being an expert in one thing and offering it to the world.
I’ve accepted the fact that because I’m human, I’m terrific in one thing, good at some, mediocre at a bit more, and terrible at others. And if you’re human, you are too. You’ll have to discover the one thing that you are good at and major in it. What are the primary gifts that God has blessed you with? Answer that question well and you’re one step closer to a life of peace, excitement, and joy.
I’ve decided to focus on where I’m good at, which is communication. Specifically, speaking and writing. Come to think of it, I’m a very unbalanced creature. I’m pathetic at sports. And at fixing stuff at home. (Even if I have a complete set of tools at home, my favorite tool is still the telephone so I can call a repairman to fix whatever is broken.) And I don’t think I’ll ever be a math whiz. The admin stuff isn’t my cup of tea. Even counseling aren’t adrenaline-pumping events for me.
So I delegate.
But I bless the world with one thing: I communicate to people about love and joy and peace and all the good stuff of life, hoping to change lives and make this world a better place.
What is your one thing?
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
Compilation of Inspirational Stories
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