Ch 1

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"H-hyung" the little 8 year old boy gripped onto his brothers clothes.
His brother held him tight, his face buried into the younger boys shoulders.
"It's okay Jungkook", he stroked Jungkook's hair.
"It's time to go" a tall broad man wearing glasses, towered behind Jungkook. He stretched out his arm, grabbing Jungkook by his thin arm, pulling him away from his brother.

"H-hyung! Don't let them take me!" Jungkook cried out.
"I promise I will come back for you!", his older brother said trying to fight the tears away that were forming in his eyes.

The shouts from Jungkook became faint as he was put into a black van where he was taken away to his new temporary family.

"Jungkook. Jungkook! Wake up!"

Jungkook sat up quickly. Droplets of sweat trickled down his temple. He panted hard as he buried his face into his hands.
"Jungkook... another nightmare?" The male next to him asked.
He nodded and looked up at the male, "Yes, but it's nothing yoongi hyung" he stared at his hands.

Yoongi sighed, "are you sure you don't want to talk about it."
Jungkook shook his head.
"Okay then," he patted Jungkook's back, "breakfast is ready."
Yoongi stood up and headed towards the door. He held the knob and turned around to look at Jungkook, "today's moms death anniversary. We're going to visit before I drop you off at school."

Jungkook nodded, "Okay" his voice came out more hoarse then he anticipated.
Yoongi's eyes softened, his hand gripping on the door knob. He lowered his head, leaving the room.

Both Jungkook and yoongi sat across from each other, not sparing a single word. Yoongi glanced a few times at Jungkook who was picking on his food with chopsticks.
Placing down his chopsticks, Yoongi sighed lowly, "Jungkook, eat your food. Stop playing around with it."
Jungkook stared blankly at his plate, "I'm not hungry."

"Alright then" yoongi sat up, grabbing the plates, putting them on the kitchen sink. "Grab your backpack and lets go," Jungkook nodded in response. He grabbed his bag and headed out the door behind his hyung.
Yoonig started the car engine, while he waited for Jungkook to get on. As soon as he did, yoongi sped off their driveway.

"We're going to drop by a flower shop first to buy some flowers."
Jungkook looked out the window, not responding to his hyung. His eyes wondered to the shops they passed by. He counted every person he saw. 25, he counted so far.

They came to a stop in front of a flower shop that was exploding with plant pots and flowers from the outside, giving it a bright look.
"Come on lets go," yoongi patted Jungkook's shoulders.
Jungkook shook his head, "I'll stay here hyung."
"You sure?"
Jungkook nodded, "I'm sure."
Yoongi gave him a small smile, "Okay."
Yoongi left the car while Jungkook waited. He entered the flower shop only to be greeted with various smells of fresh flowers. The chime of the bell caused a young man to perk up from behind a forest of flowers.

Yoongi looked around while the young man put down a crate of flowers on the floor. The young man approached him with a smile, "hi, I'm Jimin. Is there anything I can help you with today?"
Yoongi nodded and turned his attention to Jimin, "Yes, I'm looking for a small bouquet of tulips and baby's breath."
Jimin gestured with his hand, "well I can make the bouquet for you. Come right this way please" He smiled.
Yoongi followed Jimin to the counter, where a few tables and chairs were set to the side for customers to take a seat and wait.

"You could wait here while I go to the back to grab some of those flowers," He chirped.

While Jimin prepared the bouquet, yoongi scrolled through his phone. A notification popped on his home screen. His eyes lingered on the name of the woman who was always there for him.
He pressed the green button, and placed his phone next to his ear, "Hey babe" he smiled.

"Ah hey yoongi..." she sounded a little off to him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, full of worry.
She sighed heavily, "Um yoongi we need to talk," his heart dropped as soon as she said that.
"I want to see you in person. Let's talk it over some coffee, could you come by like in twenty or thirty minutes at the usual coffee place?"
"Okay great, thanks. I will see you then, I've got to go now. Bye y-"
Before she finished off her sentence, he hung up. Yoongi clenched his fingers into a fist and closed his eyes. He had a feeling he knew what she wanted to talk about, but didn't want to jump to conclusions, yet.

His thoughts were disturbed when the florist came back with the bouquet, "Here you go they are ready" he gave yoongi an eye smile.
"Thanks" he muttered while taking out his wallet.
"How much will it be for both?" He asked the young florist. Jimin pressed a few buttons on the cash register, "that will be twenty five dollars sir"

Yoongi took out money and handed it to him. Jimin took it, placing it in the register box, "thank you! Would you like a receipt?"
Yoongi shook his head, "no thank you" yoongi took the bouquets and turned his back against the florist.
Jimin waved at him, even though yoongi did not notice, "Okay then, have a good day sir!"
Yoongi ignored him and kept walking until he was out the flower shop.

Yoongi opened the drivers door and hopped inside.
"Here" he handed the bouquet carefully to Jungkook. Jungkook took the flowers and placed it on his lap, "'s favorites" he whispered.

Yoongi started the engine while glancing at Jungkook who stared at the flowers.
"Listen..." Jungkook kept looking at the flowers, "why don't you miss school for today. We cou-"
"No hyung, it's fine."

"Are you sure?"
He furrowed his eyebrows,"Yes hyung I'm sure."
Yoongi decided not to push the boy anymore and instead turned his attention to the road.

After fifteen minutes of driving, they finally arrived at the cemetery. The two boys made their way to their mothers grave by foot. They walked in silence, their shoes leaving footprints behind on the mushy mud from the rain that poured last night. Yoongi scanned around the few graves in front of him until his eyes landed on engraved letters Min. The two boys stayed silent, Jungkook mostly who had his head low, eyes glued to the ground. Yoongi smiled sadly as he looked at his parents grave covered in drips of water from the rain that cascaded the night before, "mom... I hope you're doing well" yoongi kneeled down, placing the bouquet of flowers on the moist dirt.

"Jungkook will be graduating soon, and will be pursuing a career in art. Isn't that great?" Yoongi shifted his eyes over to Jungkook, who stared at a puddle of water in front of him. Yoongi turned his attention back to the gravestone, "I brought your favorite. Tulips" He smiled lightly. "I remember you planting them out in our garden. Jungkook and I are taking good care of the garden for you. It has become much more beautiful." With a sad sigh Yoongi stood up, turning around to face Jungkook. He placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder gently, "I'll wait for you in the car" he said, knowing his little brother would want some time alone with his mother.

Once he felt like his brother was far enough, Jungkook closed his eyes, letting a few tears slip down his cheek, the droplets falling into the puddle of water.
"I miss you so...much" he broke down in silence. After a while he wiped of his tears with his hand, letting out small sniffles. He closed his eyes and looked up, taking in a deep breath then letting it out. He stood up, making his way back to the car.

Yoongi who leaned his head against the steering wheel, thought about the possible conversations that could happen with his girlfriend later today. He threw his head back letting out a frustrated groan, "I hope it isn't what I think she wants to talk about." The passenger door suddenly opened, startling yoongi a bit. He saw Jungkook take a seat, noticing that his eyes are a bit red. Knowing his little brother, he decided not to talk about it. "Ready to go?" He asked. The younger one nodded in response. Yoongi started the engine, making his way to Jungkook's school. Yoongi glanced over at his brother, "Jungkookie..." Jungkook looked up at his brother, "hmm?" Yoongi shook his head, "never mind" he gave him a small smile before driving off.

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