Ch 2

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Yoongi dropped off Jungkook at the front gates, "call me when you're out so I can pick you up."
The young boy nodded making his way through the school gates.
He passed by students who joined their group of friends. Jungkook's eyes would scan everyone's interactions wondering to himself if he'll ever be as happy as they are. Shaking off the thought, he made his way to the school inside hallways. Passing by his classroom, he took a peek inside seeing the usual chaos his classmates caused. He did not feel like dealing with the noise today, so instead he went up some stairs towards the end of the hallway that led to the second floor of the school building. He took a turn and another one until he spotted the room he was looking for. He opened the door sliding in quickly.

The old art classroom. This was his favorite spot. A spot that no one really went to since there was no use for it anymore. The classroom was lit with the little light that peeked through the windows curtains. Some specks of dust that floated around could be seen under the light if one looked closely. Jungkook looked around the room, feeling calm and at ease. He found comfort in this room every time he came. To him it was like a second home. A home where he could always escape to whenever he felt negative emotions and needed some time alone. He took a seat and took out his sketchbook which he never let anyone see. You see, to him his sketchbook is his everything. It's his privacy, almost like a diary. He did not like to share what hid inside that book since it contained his emotions that were created into art. Taking out his favorite sketching pencil, the young boy released his stress once the soft yet sharp end of the pencil touched the rough like paper.

Meanwhile Yoongi had been parked outside the coffee place where he would meet up with his girlfriend. He waited inside the car, nerves consuming him. He decided to call up his good friend on the phone.
He dialed his friends number, waiting for him to answer. "Ah hyung! I missed you so so much when are you coming over? When can I come over?" A loud chirpy voice said from the other end of the line. Yoongi sighed, "we just saw each other yesterday idiot."
"I know, but I miss hyung already!" The young man behind the phone pouted.
"You just want to come over to play kookie's game console don't you?"
"Ah you got me!" The young man laughed.
Yoongi shook his head, "yah Hoseok seriously though, I have to tell you something serious..."
"Hmm what's up?" Hoseok asked, realizing the seriousness in yoongi's voice.
"It's Nala..."
Hoseok sat up from his couch, "Nala? What about her."
Yoongi stayed quiet for a moment, "she called me earlier saying she wants to meet up... to talk"
Hoseok rolled his eyes, "okay what's wrong with her wanting to talk to you? I mean you guys obviously meet up all the time since you are dating"
Hoseok could hear a sigh of frustration coming out of his phone, "but I don't think it's just any talk. I just feel it. I think she's gonna give me the talk talk."

Hoseok's eyes widened, "as in the talk talk talk?"
"That's the one." He rubbed his temples, "damn it what am I going to do if she breaks up with me?" He clenched his phone.

"It's okay I'm pretty sure it's nothing serious maybe-"
"Well it sounded pretty serious to me Hoseok."
"Okay well... even if she does, there's really nothing you can do. I mean it's her loss."
"Hoseok" yoongi groaned in frustration.
"Look calm down just wait and don't jump into conclusions okay? Just act normal as if you know nothing. I'm here for you bro."
Yoongi stayed silent, "thanks hobi..."
"Anytime yoongs, if anything happens let me know alright?"
Yoongi hummed in response, "alright I'll talk to you later then..."
"Alright good luck! I never liked her anyways!" Hoseok said the last part quickly then hung up.
Yoongi stared at his phone, "thanks for being a great help" he mumbled. Checking the time on his watch, he decided it was time to go inside.

As he entered, the smell of coffee that swirled around the room hit him. He took a deep breath letting the bitter sweet scent calm down his nerves. Yoongi looked around to check if she had already arrived but there was no sign of her so he decided to grab two coffees up in front to kill some time. After ordering and receiving the two coffees, he sat on a seat near the back. Yoongi took his cup of coffee into his hands, placing his lips on the thin opening of the lid, taking a sip of the steaming black coffee. He scrolled through his phone as he waited, taking more sips of his drink.

He placed his phone down on the table when he saw a pair of red vans coming towards him. Looking up he stood up quickly and smiled over at the girl who smiled back at him. He pulled her chair back a bit so she can take a seat. The girl thanked him and took the coffee he had ordered for her in her hands.
"I ordered your favorite, a vanilla latte" the girl nodded with a thankful smile, taking a sip of the drink.
The two fell into silence for a while until Yoongi decided to speak up, "so... I had plans for this weekend. I was thinking we should-" the girl sighed, placing down her cup on the table.
"Yoongi.." the young man went on "-go to the carnival you wanted to visit and then we can go out for-" "Yoongi." the girl cut him off with a more serious tone.

He looked her in the eyes, his leg shaking anxiously. "Nala?"
Nala sighed closing her eyes then looked at the man she once had feelings for in front of him.
"Yoongi the reason I asked you to come so we can talk is because..." she nodded to herself to gather her thoughts. "I need a break."
Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows, "a break? What do you mean?" of course he knew what she meant, but he was trying to wrap his mind around this "break."
"Well if you need one we can go out to the beac-"
"A break Min Yoongi a break! As in a break from our relationship. Do you not know what a break between us is?" He looked at her emotionless not knowing how to respond. She took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly.

"Look... we need a break I just don't want to be with you for a while"
"so you're breaking up with me?"
She shook her head, "no no that's not what I'm-"
"Well that's what I'm hearing. You're breaking up with me." the girl could see the hurt in his eyes.
"No yoongi liste-"
"No you listen!" yoongi noticed a couple near them turned their way. He scowled and looked back at Nala.
"I don't do breaks" he said lowly.
"No buts Nala. I don't do breaks and that's that," he shook his head frustratingly, "whatever if that's what you want we're breaking up because it seems like I can't make you happy."

"Yoongi that's not it I'm just-"
"Tired of me. I know, you don't have to tell me the message was sent clearly." He stood up taking his cup of coffee pushing in his chair calmly.

"Have a good day" he gave her a fake smile before making his way out the coffee shop.

Yoongi got in the car, slamming the door behind him. He fished out his phone from his pocket, his thumb sliding on the screen as he looked for his friends name. Yoongi pressed the dial button, waiting for his friend to answer.

"Hyung! How did it- "

"Let's go out tonight. 10 pm at Sahara's nightclub. Meet me at my place." Without letting Hoseok answer back, he hung up, leaving his friend hanging.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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