Today, December 18, 2017 a tragedy happened. Kim Jong-hyun, lead vocalist of SHINee, committed suicide at the age of 27. I woke up this morning, to hear the news, sobbing. I just wanted to create this little aesthetic post to give my condolences for Jonghyun's family members and the other members of SHINee. Jonghyun has achieved to much in the past 9 years of pursuing his singing career, and I am proud to call myself a Shawol. I hope everyone is taking this information in a healthy way, and just remember, Jonghyun never meant for us to feel badly after his death. He would want us to accept it, and grieve silently. I know he loves his fans. So, let's remember this k-pop star for many years to come. He has achieved many great things in his life and fulfilling career.