Chapter 8:Rooms

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Lili Room


Lili:So y u mad


Lili:Ok u giving me the silent treatmeant i know wat to do 

*Put on Music* 

Rhianna: Cake

Lili:U want that cake cake cake cake oo baby u like its so exciting dont tried to hide it im make u my B****

*Starts twerking*



Ray:Y u stop i liked it 




Ray:So now ur tortuing me 

Lili:*nods yes*

Ray:Fine im not mad at u 


Ray:Lili i have a question 


Ray:I like this girl and im afarid to tell her but i think she only likes me just as a friend and nothing more 

Lili:Dont u and the group say u like a girl thats confident or themselves 

Ray:Yh wat bout tht

Lili:This girl is acting in her own way to be with u u just dont know it because ur so busy trying to see if this girl likes u 

Ray:Mabe ur right but wat should i do 

Lili:U should be confident like u said in a girl u have to be confident smart and themselves not being someone else show her how u feel in ur way and she will figure it out 


Lili:I hope Tie likes u back to 

Ray:Wait u think i like Tie 

Lili:Yh u show it and the kiss u really did show it 

Ray:Yh i like Tie *Sad*

Lili:So r u sleeping with me or wat bro

Lili P.o.v.

I wished that he liked me not Tie but i guess i got to get over it*

End P.o.v.

Ray P.o.v.

I guess she doesnt like me back but she thinks i like Tie shes wrong i want to tell her but how

End P.o.v.

They to sleep 

Princeton Room

KJ:So im going to use the bathroom 

Prince:Can i come with u 

KJ:Ewwwww no pervert

Prince:Take tht back or else

Kj:Or else wat 

*Tickles Kj:


Prince:Until u say srry or i keep going 


Prince:Oo well guess ur gonna keep laughing 

Kj:Ok ok Srry 

Prince:Was tht so hard

KJ:Yes i couldnt breathe 


Kj:Shut up im going to sleep 

They Sleep 

Roc Room 

Roc:So did u like tht kiss from Ray

Tie:I guess it was ok 

Tie:Did u like tht kiss from KJ 

Roc:It was good i guess 

Tie:Well i would like ur kiss if we kissed *Whispered*

Roc:I heard that 

Tie:Then wat did i say 

Roc:I heard in my words u want a kiss 


*Roc Kisses Tie and Sparks Fly everywhere*


Roc:Yh Tie will u be my girlfriend

Tie:Million times YES

They Sleep

Prod Room


Prod:I have a question

Bri:Go ahead

Prod:Wat do u see in a guy like me

Bri:Ur cute ur good singer and dancer u like to eat ur smile makes me melt and that mohawk just wants me to have u more and ur eyes are so dreamy 

Prod:Thanks my turn ur cute ur a good singer and dancer u have a nice smile u are a FAST runner ur smart and ur mindless and u dont act like it because ur just acting like urself 


Prod:Thts y i want u to be my #1 girl and will u 

Bri:I would love to Prod 

They went to sleep 

Diggy's House 

Diggy:I cant believe i screwed up 

Jacob:(Jacob Latimore) U really like this girl huh 

Diggy:YH i didnt mean tht she was a prize but she is a prize to me and i screwed up

Jacob:U can always win her over 


Jacob:I have a plan 

Diggy:Better be good 

Jacob:U want her back right 


Jacob:Then dont judge me on this plan 

Diggy:Do i have to break any rules 

Jacob:Mabe but dont u really like her 


Jacob:Tomrrow txt her ok and ill tell u wat to say 

Diggy:Fine lets go to sleep


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