45facts about Alia

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#1 - She was born on the 8th of May 

#2 - Her favourite colour is yellow

#3 - Her favourite ice cream flavour is vanilla

#4 - Her favourite food is macaroni and cheese

#5 - Her favourite number is 14

#6 - Her worst fear is spiders

#7 - She hopes to be a doctor when she's older

#8 - Her favourite season is winter

#9 - Her favourite starbucks drink is a caramel frappacino

#10 - Her favourite song is 'capsize' by frenship

#11 - Her favourite movie is The Parent Trap

#12 - She loves reading

#13 - Her favourite animal is a sea otter

#14 - Her favourite school subject is biology

#15 - Her favourite sport is field hockey

#16 - Her favourite fruit is grapefruit

#17 - Her favourite smoothie flavour is banana

#18 - She'd prefer a relaxing bubble bath in the evening then a shower at 6am

#19 - She sucks lolly's rather than biting them

#20 - She loves rain

#21 - She believes in ghosts, aliens and all that

#22 - She's a Taurus

#23 - Her favourite flower is Tiger Lily

#24 - She'd choose jelly over ice cream

#25 - Her favourite tree is the Rainbow Eucalyptus

#26 - When she was little she wanted to work in Disney Land Paris as Princess Jasmine

#27 - She's never been surfing, snowboarding or skiing

#28 - She sings in the shower

#29 - She likes her eggs scrambled

#30 - Her favourite TV ads are Christmas ads 

#31 - She likes sunrises over sunsets. It's the start of a fresh, brand new day

#32 - She sleeps on her side rather than back or front

#33 - She's never broken a bone

#34 - She always wears odd socks

#35 - Her favourite animal in a zoo is a meerkat

#36 - Her shoe size is 5

#37 - She likes salted popcorn rather than sweet

#38 - Her favourite type of chocolate is white chocolate

#40 - She's scared of the dark so she sleeps with fairylights

#41 - She prefers water to juice or coke

#42 - She's right handed

#43 - She's a morning person

#44 - Her favourite place in the world is Greece

#45 - She's short sighted

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