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The ear piercing siren vibrated across the prison cells. Prisoners abandoned their daily chores, guards dropped their cards, prisoner number 305 ran frantically across the tiled floors. His lungs screaming for air, breaths coming out stuttered, however he knew if stopped to take a gulp of air, the guards would certainly gain on him.

Scrambled across the Croasship perimeter, a bright light behind and on his tail. The prisoner pulled his arm to his forehead, wiping off the sweat that had formed on his brow. His stomach feeling uneasy, his legs demanding for a break.

Unfortunately a little snitch had betrayed him, coasting his life and his freedom. Stop now and lose his freedom, while suffering in the hands of the nefarious Professor. Smith. The man was ruthless, dangerous and prisoners at the Croasship's number one enemy. Landing yourself in his filthy hands, would be exchanged to fight a sea full of great white sharks.

Twisting around a corner, he hid behind a box of crates. Hearing the thundering footsteps stopping on the tiles. Scanning the area, the prisoner watched as men loaded a black van, carrying heavy boxes containing supplies. The prisoner saw the opportunity and sprinted behind the crates. Trying to ignore the static from the intercom, attempting to alert the guards.

A booming, itching voice from the intercom sent chilles down his spine! "Attention! Attention! Prisoner 305 has escaped! Guards will now search the perimeter! If caught please return to the commandment immediately!"

Once the prisoner, had reached the van, sweat had taken form on his brow and covered his shirt. Dirt dyed his sand coloured hair, blood soaked his pants. He ignored the intense feel of pain as his legs scarped across the gravel, dodging the bullets being fired at him. Screams from the professor pierced his ears.

"No!! You idoits!! I need him alive, not dead! Now catch him before he escpes or I will bloidy murder all of you!!" the professor barked.

The prisoner glanced at the packed up van, the drivers scurried away, before Professor screamed at them too. The prisoner saw the opportunity to finally get out of hell. He sprinted off, quickly but silently. The guards hurrying past the crates, unaware of the prisoner about to seize his chance and escape.

As the prisoner crept into the back of the van, in the side of his eyes, he noticed Professor Smith, having a fit. The prisoner knew the monsterus manoeuvres Professor Smith had waiting for him, after the prisoner had ruined his plans to overthrow the commandment, Professor Smith wouldn't hesitate to smear his hands with the prisoner's blood. The professor would gladly murder to have the prisoner's throat within reach of his fingers.

The prisoner worryingly clamped his hands around his neck, in fear of losing it. Guards still scampering past the van, credulous to the fact that the prisoner was hiding in plain sight. As the van left the prison gates, the prisoner could hear the intercom blaring from the prison.

The last sentence made the prisoner tremble with fear and the voice softly whispered into the speaker. "I know you are listening, Sebastian" He spat his name out as if it tasted foul, "Just know that I will find you and once I do...we can have a little fun!"

PrisonersWhere stories live. Discover now