the gift of music

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At first there was nothing. Just a black, gaping hole in his heart. Desperately, Harry tried to fill it with friends and Quidditch but the hole never seemed to become full. Harry tried to pass it off with his young age, believing that as he grew older the hole would eventually fill. But still, there was nothing. Harry tried to find what was missing but he could not.

His sixth year was fast approaching and Harry lay on his be in his room, staring at the ceiling. It was quiet and calm. His family were downstairs, ignoring him as usual. They always ignored him and Harry was fine with that. He was used to it. Used to the constant loneliness and the constant nagging feeling in his heart. However, just because he was used to it didn't mean he wanted something more, for the feeling to go away. Sighing, Harry sat up.

Unfortunately, Harry had nothing to do for he had already done all of his school work. The next day was his birthday but Harry wasn't excited. The only good thing about his birthday were the letters he'd from his friends. 


Harry woke up to the sound of an owl tapping on his window. Groggily, Harry went to open it. The owl flew in majestically, dropping a package onto Harry's bed. It was a very large package and Harry looked at it, wondering which of his friends had sent this to him. It couldn't have been Ron, unless he'd gotten a new owl. Harry untied it from the owls leg and was about to get her some food before she flew away. Whoever it was clearly didn't want a response.

Curiosity filled Harry and he sat down on his bed, pulling the package onto his lap. He opened it carefully. There was no way it was cursed because nothing bad would pass through the wards. Inside the package was a musical instrument case made out of hard wood. The wood had snakes carved into it, as well as musical notes. 

Enchanted, Harry gazed at the box. Carefully, he opened the case and inside was a beautiful violin and bow. It looked awfully expensive and precious and Harry couldn't believe somebody had sent him such a wonderful gift. Engraved in the violin it read 'Music isn't only heard, it is felt.' Harry couldn't believe what he was seeing before him. It was so beautiful and well made. Harry looked in the box, hoping for a letter so he could see who it was. He found one tucked away in the corner of the box. On the envelop it read 'Harry' in emerald green ink. Still curious, Harry opened it and read the letter. 

'Dear Harry Potter,

This is to you from me, although I'd rather not yet tell you who I am. For now, keep this violin a secret. Soon enough I shall tell you who I am and shall not remain a mysterious man too much longer. I have also given you a potion vial for you to drink containing all that I've learnt practising. Use this violin wisely and play as often as you can. But remember - true talent never dies.

With love from ?'

Dumbfounded, Harry stared at the letter. He couldn't believe that after drinking this potion he'd be able to play the violin. Putting as much faith as he could in his 'secret admirer', Harry drank the potion. His mind began filling with notes and sounds, movements and noises. He picked up the violin - the first he'd held in his life - as well as his bow. He held it like a practised player and put the bow on the string.

The sound filled the room. Beautiful, vibrant sounds that could not properly be described with words. Harry stunned even himself. Whoever had granted him this gift, the gift of music, he owned him everything. 

But who was he?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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