Chapter 26

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I wake up and I change.

I wake up and I change

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I walk downstairs.

James:Hey babe.


James:What's your problem?

Rocky:Maybe your in my business when I don't want you in it.

I walk out the door. 

Kendall:What was that all about?

James:I have no Idea.

~To Rocky~

I start walking down the street.

I get knocked out.

I wake up in a storage house.

???:Hello Rocky.

Rocky:Vince why did you kidnap me?

Vince:To get James here.

Vince leaves.

I call James.

~With the boys~

Logan:What's the deal with Rocky.

James' phone starts  ringing.


Rocky:James help Vince  has kidnapped me.

Vince:Better get here as fast as you can or your little girlfriend dies.


Vince hangs up.

James:Guys we gotta save Rocky.

Carlos:Why should we?

James:Cause I love her.


The boys find the storage house I'm in.



Vince:Your just in time James.

James:Let her go.

Vince:Fight me for her.

James:If I win you let her go.

Vince:But if I win she dies.

Rocky:James don't do it!!

James:I have to.

~after the fight~

Vince:You lose James your girlfriend dies.


Kendall cuts me free.

I get up and I punch Vince in his face.

Rocky:Next time don't mess with me or my friends.

I help James up and we leave.

~At the house~

I give James a ice pack.

Rocky:James I'm sorry I got you into this I didn't even know.

James:It's okay I forgive you.

Kendall:Yeah don't get worked up over nothing.

Rocky:But I brought James into Vince's trap and he got hurt and it's all my fault and and.

James kisses me.

Rocky's mind:I have to admit that did get me to shut up.

~I'll have part 27 out tomorrow~   

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