Chapter 4

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I woke up in a hospital bed.

"You're husband is here to see you."

"My w-" before I could finish my statement Hunter walked in.

"Hey, I lied to the doctors and told them I was your husband. That's the only way they would let me see you." He blushed.

"Wow that's sweet, I think." I mumbled

"Am I being to weird?"

"Oh no." I laughed

Honestly, it's kinda weird, but I won't crush his spirits. I mean it was a sweet gesture. Just as long as he doesn't stalk me.

"Umm sir we are going to have to ask you to leave." My nurse smiled and gestured her hands to the door."

"Oh, o-okay." He stuttered, honestly it was kinda adorable.

"Sweetheart there is a group of people here to see you."

"Okay bring them in."

"Hi." A woman in way too dark lipstick smiled. "We are the people in your foster group meetings."

"Oh umm, I'm just going to be blunt why are you here?"

"We are always here to support out group members."

Oh right. That makes total sense considering last week Lila got mauled by a bear and no one cared.

"Bullshit." I muttered

"Excuse me?" She smiled through her teeth

"Did I stutter?" I smarted off. "You can leave now."

"It's okay I understand you're going through a hard time. We will be in the hall."

A few minutes after they went into the hall I noticed someone in my room.

"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in here?"

"Calm down babe it's just me."

"Dylan?" I said sitting up.

"Yeah that's me. I just wanted to say it was hot when you smarted off to little miss bitchy earlier." He smirked

"Yeah well I wasn't in the mood for her crap."

"Remind me to never make you mad."

"Maybe I shouldn't remind you so I can kick you ass." It was my turn to smirk.

"You can kick my ass anytime." He winked.

"Really you went there? You are an animal" I scolded him.

"Dude I'm playing you are in no way my type."

"You have a type? I thought the only things you looked for in someone is If they are Blonde, bendy, and have boobs."

"Ouch. I'm offended." He put his hand on his chest as if he had been shot.

"Oh you poor thing." I smiled.

"So when do you get out of this joint."

"The doctor said later tonight."

"C'mon you really shouldn't have to wait let's leave right now."

"No we'll get in trouble." I yell-whispered.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hospital bed. We ran down the hallway. When we got to the elevator I stopped him

"Where are we going?" I laughed

"Anywhere you want." He smiled down at me.

Together we ran out of the hospital hand in hand.


#delena moment.

Yay! I finally updated.

I have had the worst writers block ever. And this chapter was taking way to long to write so I sat down and just started writing. I swear next chapter will be better :)

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