Beautiful Rainbows

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*jumps into zebra themed be*
Hello!! It's a new beautiful day, with a bunch of rainbows around me!!!

Okay, here is about the beautiful rainbow flagged people, including pan, bi, trans, a, any type of sexualality people out there. Yes, that includes straight.


There's many different types of sexuality.

(Me) Pansexual - Your sexually attracted to everyone

Bisexual - You like both girl or a boy, but you lean towards one side

Transsexual - a person who has undergone treatment in order to acquire the physical characteristics of the opposite sex

(Me) Asexual - I feel no sexual feelings towards anyone

Heterosexual AKA Straight - You like the opposite gender

As some of you know, I'm proud of myself. Including everything. Personally, I hate the word fag. Because it brings most people down. But hey, you shouldn't be brought down. Just say these words, "That's not my name, (add your own little insult)."

People shouldn't judge you by your sexuality. If they do, don't avoid them and become upset, just carry on with your day.

Besides, you have real friends, family, and WattPad to keep you company.

Yes it's short, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna update another chapter like this one.

Your challenge for today is.....

Drum roll please.

*Gon and Killua bangs on the drum*

Tell the world your sexuality mentally, physical, or verbally.

December 19, 2017

P.S. Sorry, when you are ready, you can tell the world, but hey. You still have someone there to help you with your day, you just need to reconize them.

June 5, 2019

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