THREE: Enrique

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Enrique's POV

YEAR 2014

I woke up feeling a bit light headed. Probably it was because I ended up sweating like a pig after I fell asleep because I forgot to turn the air conditioner in the room on.

I sat up, and grabbed my phone to check what time it was.

It was already five in the afternoon. I somehow slept for about four hours. I suddenly remember that I missed lunch. And I soon as I realized that fact, my stomach growled.

I thought about getting up to check what food was in the fridge, but this is not my house. I'm just a mere guest here.

And then I remembered that I had a half eaten tuna sandwich in my bag which I ordered back when I was on the plane. I hope it still wasn't spoiled.

The sandwich, turns out had gotten flat in my bag, and I smelled to check if it was still good enough to eat. It was.

I didn't care that the sandwich now looked unappetizing, as long as I get something into my stomach.

After the sandwich, I realize that I was thirsty. I also realize that the bottled water I bought when I was on the plane was all finished, and I had nothing in this room that I could drink.

I had no choice but to go to the kitchen.

I slowly open the door to my room, and looked outside to see if anybody was there. The coast was clear.

Tito Julian probably had gone to check on one of those many business ventures of his. And maybe Tita Greta was still at that event she was at earlier.

I head to the kitchen, and, yes, it was empty. I open the refrigerator and found that it was also empty. There was no water. No food.

What the hell.

Where's the food? And the water? Are they going to let me freakin' starve and dehydrate to death? This isn't cool.

I stomp back to my room. What can I do here? Just lie down and wait until I die from hunger and dehydration? My mother will definitely be hearing about this.

I decided to just unpack so I can distract myself. I pulled out some pants, shirts and three of my hoodies which I now guessed is inappropriate to wear in this weather.

As I shoved my the last of my clothes into the antique looking cabinet by the time the clock struck six-thirty, I hear footsteps shuffling outside.

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