Chapter 2

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Grace POV

"Here we are!" I say and open the door for them. It's a big room with couches mirrors and a snack table. most of them gravitate towards the snack area.

"Woahh all my favorites." Jack J says reaching for some cheetos.

" you even got my favorite chips!!" Matt yells and hugs me. 

" I had a feeling you guys would like those." I giggled and sipped some of my iced coffee. I open the door, getting ready to leave. "sound check is in an hour and then your show is in 3 hours at 1. Everything should be here but if you need anything I'll be at the front or setting up!" I start to walk out. 

"Wait where you going?" Jack g asks. 

"I don't know sort some VIP badges, set up some merch, I don't know I'll find something." I reply 

"Well why don't you hang out with us?!" Nash suggests. 

"I'm sure I could stay for a little, why not." I take i seat on the couch. we start up some small talk and tell each other where we are from, some of our favorites, and have a lot of laughs. 

"so let me get this straight," Matt starts, "you moved here from Texas and all your family is there except your uncle who owns this place and that's why you work here" 

"Close..." I say, "I'm from Tennessee." 

" oooo so close." Taylor says. 

"Wait if all your family is there, where do you live?" Shawn asks. 

"I live with my friend Mary." I showed them a picture of us. Nash grabs the phone and stares at if. "I think someone's got a little crush..." His face goes bright red. we all laugh. 

I talk and learn more about all the guys. I really like Cameron. He is so sweet and nice; not to mention very attractive. But ever since we sat down he hasn't talked much. I don't think he likes me. 

Cameron POV

I really like Grace. She is so beautiful, smart, charming, I could go on and on. I don't want to say the wrong thing and ruin our new friendship. I don't know how to talk to her. She makes me so nervous. I don't get it, I see hundreds of girls everyday and I'm always smooth and fine. But when I see and talk to her, it's different. I know if I don't say something soon, some other guy is going to take her.  I doubt she likes me.


Grace POV

I look at my phone. "It's 5 minutes until sound check I should probably bring you guys over." I stand up and they follow. I see out of the side of my eye Cameron walking up to the front by me. I don't mind it. 

"Hi." He says 

"Hey." I smile. 

"Sorry I didn't get to talk to you that much before. I was kinda distracted."

"Don't worry, we can talk later and get to know each other." 

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with us after the show?" 

" actually I promised Mary I'd go to her work. But you guys should definitely come. It's a diner our friend owns and we always hang there. Besides I think Nash and Mary would like to meet." 

"That sounds amazing, can't wait." We get to the stage and they have to go on. He smiles at me and walks onto the stage. I get butterflies in my stomach. 


Cameron POV

the show starts in 20 minutes and I can already hear the girls in the audience. Grace comes back to the dressing room to help us get all our props and mics together. 

"Good luck guys!" She beams, "I know y'all will be great." We all start to head backstage. As I'm about to go out she grabs my arm and whispers in my ear "break a leg." Chills run down my spine. I give her a quick hug and get ready to go on stage. 

Grace POV

I watch the boys run around on stage and I can't help but smile. You can really tell they love what they do. I can't stop myself from staring at Cameron. Every time he smiles, I smile. When he laughs, I laugh. I Iove it. An hour goes by and it's time to start the meet and greets. I wait for them as they get off stage. "That was amazing guys! I've seen a lot of acts here and I think this might be my favorite." 

"You probably say that to everyone." Matt teases. I hit his shoulder and start pushing them down the hall.

Cameron POV

"You guys better hurry, the fangirls are waiting." Grace winks. God I love that wink. We go to the meet and greets and I have a blast. I love meeting all my fans but I couldn't help from thinking about grace. I'm excited for us to hang out after this. Maybe we can talk a little 

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