Human Instruments

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Sophie: Wait- what? Instruments?

Savina: Yup. It'll be awesome.

Linh: Human instruments? Cool, this will be fun.

Zairyk: Wait- why would you care?

Linh, Tam: *Death glare*

Zairyk: *Whispers to Arien* I haven't read Nightfall yet...

Savina: *Whispers to Zairyk* Shut. Up.

Sophie: So are you going to give us all harmonicas, or something...?

Arien: Something. We have instruments for each of you, according to what we think would work best for you. Dex, you get the drums.

Dex: What are 'the drums?' *is shown to the drum set by Savina* Oh, okay. How do I play it?

Savina: That's part of the fun. You get to figure it out!

Dex:..Yay. *Frowns at the drum set in front of him*

Sophie: *Glances over Arien's shoulder* Tam's on the ukulele! Wait- what?

The Author: *Appears in a puff of red smoke* EXCUSE ME?! DID YOU JUST HEAR YOURSELF?! IT'S PRONOUNCED OO-KOO-LEH-LEH, NOT YOU-KOO-LAY-LEE!!!!!!!! GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!!!!! *Disappears again*

Tam: Umm, okay. What's an oo-koo-leh-leh?

The Author: *Voice beams from above* THAT IS WHY HE IS MY FAVORITE. BESIDES YOU, LINH DARLING.

Savina: Ignore her. This is an ukulele. *Hands him one*

Tam: *Plucks one of the strings* Hey, I think I can figure this out. *Strums the strings*

Zairyk: Biana gets the xylophone!

Biana: *Picks up the mallat and hits one of the keys* Ooh, I could get used to this thing.

Arien: Fitz is on the acoustic guitar.

Fitz: This looks like a bigger version of Tam's.

Biana: That means that Tam's is cuter. *Knows what she's implying and doesn't really care*

Zairyk: *Flash of genius* TIANA WHOOP WHOOP

Savina: *Slugs him*

Tam: *Hides in the shadows*

Biana: What?

Arien: Linh is on the piano. *Shows her to a baby grand piano*

Linh: Umm, elves already have pianos, sorry... I know how to play this. *Sits down and begins to play a lilting melody*

Arien: *Begins to play the Viola*

Zairyk: *Begins playing 'We Three Kings' on a trombone*

Sophie: Umm, what about me? And Keefe?

Savina: Oh, right! *Hands Sophie a recorder*

Sophie: Really? Actually, *Blows into it* this'll be fine.

Savina: *Turns to Keefe* And for you, I decided to give you a chance at winning my respect.

Keefe: *Slightly confused* Fighting the ogre king wasn't enough?

Savina: Nope! You'll be playing the bass.

Sophie: The bass guitar, or-

Savina: *pulls out a bass, as in a six-feet-tall violin-looking-thing* Obviously not.

Keefe: *Struggling to balance with the bass in one hand and the bow in the other*

Savina: *Walks over to Dex* You use these things. They're called drumsticks. *Does the ba-dum tssh thing with the drumsticks*

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