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  Yaaaaay! Another update. Please enjoy. I really love this book. It's so fun to write.

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"Hello my Stylers. Welcome to my next video log," Harry introduced, waving in to the recorder with his free hand while the other clutched the device, "As you can see we are not in my bedroom. We are currently backstage to one of Louis' shows."

Chatter from a distant can be heard and Harry slowly peaks his way through the room. He flips the recorder around so that his viewers can catch a glimpse of Louis' dressing room.

"Louis is currently getting styled right now, and his stylist doesn't like me in there because apparently I'm a distraction," Harry said mock offended, rolling his eyes as he walked over towards the couch by the back wall.

"So as you can see, Louis' room is very bland. Quite dark, but I usually like to add some homey feel to it considering he is usually here for days," Harry started, scanning the recorder around the whole room.

The place is covered in a dark black curtain with a gray carpeting. There is a wooden L&H up on the wall considering Harry takes residence in Louis' dressing room half the time since he likes to join Louis at his shows.

He is sat now on a black plush couch up against the wall with two arm chairs on either side. The coffee table in front of him had a scented fruity candle that suffocated the whole room which is dimly lit with only a few lights despite the candle.

Harry sighed dramatically as he laid his whole body down on the couch, turning the camera back to his face, "I barely saw Louis this week because he is doing a charity gig in San Fransico. So today is kind of the first day in a few that I finally get to see him."

Harry blew a raspberry out his mouth as he started to sit back up on the couch, standing to his feet as he walked over to the vanity, "I get to stand right next to his stage so I'll remember to record some of his concert for you guys, but I can't show too much."

Harry giggled lightly as he walked over to the clothes rack on the other side of the vanity. He grimaced slightly as he turned the camera towards Louis' clothes, "These are unfortunately Louis' clothes. I tried to get him to wear suits or something more fruity, but he prefers addias and vans and all those sporty stuff."

"You love it though," Louis' voice suddenly called out, causing Harry to gasp and turn towards him right away.

Louis offered him a weak smile as Harry lifted the camera up and zoomed in on Louis' face, "And here's the love of my life finally. Getting ready to perform."

Louis rolled his eyes as he opened his arms out wide. Harry giggled shyly to himself as he quickly placed the recorder on the vanity before running to jump in Louis' arms. He squeaked happily when Louis wrapped his arms tightly around his back and spun him in the air, pressing light kisses against his cheek.

"I missed you so much, baby," Louis mumbled against Harry's ear, going back in to kiss Harry on the lips this time.

"I missed you, too," Hary whined, smile so wide it made his eyes squint together.

Harry stepped back briefly once he kissed Louis again. He walked over to the vanity and picked up the recorder, making sure it was on his face before offering his followers a huge smile.

"And that is how you great your husband when you haven't seen him in days," Harry announced, already walking towards the couch where Louis was waiting for him.

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