You have to be kidding me

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---Jamie's P.O.V---
"YOU LOST YOUR GUN?!?!" I hear as I walk past the bosses office and not two seconds later I see a girl, probably a newbie, run out looking as if she was gonna cry, I can't help but let a chuckle slip, when will they learn, I quickly get through the door before it closes and sit down before she can see me

"What are you doing in here? I didn't call you in" she takes a moment to think "wait aren't you meant to out?" I see her expression turn angry again

"Don't worry bout it boss, the target never turned up, or if he did Jenna didn't call me down there in time" she looks at for a sec as if she thinking as I sit there with the same cocky grin I always have and she just rolls here eyes

"Well I had an idea for him incase you missed him anyways, I want you to get close to him" I try to cut her off but she continues "befriend him, anything to get him to show you where he's camped out, I don't care how long it take, we need to find this place and shut it down from the inside"

I look at her shocked my smirk falters "you can't be serious about this" it's her turn to smirk now and I realise she is and I groan leaning back in the chair and brush my hands through my hair "I can't belive you, I know he was my target, but why me? You never set me up with these things"

She smirks one again as a thought hits me and she speaks "Because he's extremely gay and I know your as straight as a ruler so you won't get attached"

"Someone didn't read my folder" I mutter as I head a hum of what and sigh "nothing, how is this going to work then?"

She sits up "well everyday he goes to the same shop at the same time, and always orders the same thing, I want you to go there and meet him, say hi, bump into him, anything I don't really care, make friends, get his number, get close to him so he trusts you enough" I look at her in disbelief for a sec as I process it all "first get washes dressed and for the love of God take your gun off your back before you leave"

I drop my gun next to her desk and leave with a goodbye and a wave, she said she'd call me tomorrow for now I need to go home and get my stuff together

Don't worry I'll more chapters up soon, hopefully longer, so sorry for not updating, I just haven't had the motivation for it - Cait 🔪

Edit: also if you're wondering the pic is Jamie, I was going to draw his boss but sadly I can't draw girls

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2017 ⏰

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