Chapter Ten

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*Nobody's POV*

Daniel paces the room, tossing glances every so often at Liliana.

Roland and Arriane speak quietly in whispers and Annabelle and Gabbe sit and wait for Lily to wake up. 

Cam and Molly just sit there.

A boy with auburn hair and brrilliant ice-blue eyes comes into the room and watches Lily and everyone else watches him.

Lily cries out softly and a tear rolls down her face from her closed eyes.

The boy goes over to her and feels her head with the back of his hand. A frown marrs his handsome, beautiful features and he turns to the others.

"Arriane." He says with quiet politeness.

Arriane shakes her head.

He turns to Cam. "Cambriel." The boy says in the same soft velvety voice.

Cam doesn't look up at him, just shakes his head.

Lilianna lets out another cry and twitches. they'd moved her to the bed and as she twitches, she falls out of it.

The boy gently picks her up and palces her back on the bed, under the covers.

"She's getting there." He murmurs, alomost to himself. he leaves the room as silently as he'd came.

Lily twitches in the bed, crying softly and mumbling things that none of the others could understand.

"How long is this going to take?" Gabbe asks finally, not able to stand Lily in pain, not that she was......physically.

"It might take a week." Daniel pipes up with a frown on his face. 

"Or it could take a month." Roland says quietly.

Annabelle whispers something to Arriane and Arriane shakes her head in response.

They sit and wait for their friend to wake up again.

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