Contestants, date and first Challenge

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Contestants date and first Challenge

4 Days Later

When I woke up this morning I remembered that today is the day when we find out who is in the tri-wizard tournament, so I got changed a lot quicker as it was Saturday and it was my date with Viktor I put on my Blue skinny Jeans and my belly top with a leather jack and boots and my robe which I had to put on.

I ran and jumped on pansy ‘Get up Get up its Saturday my Date with Viktor’ with that she darted up and we squealed and jumped around.

She got dressed realy quick in black knee high dress and heels with her school robe, we legged it out of the room down to the common room and draco was sat there looking at us like were Crazy pansy went and gave him a kiss and then blaise came down and we went to the Great hall.

The tables were set out differently but the houses didn’t mix we sat on the far left and waited for Dumbledore to start talking but we were waiting for a few students.

Finally all students were here and Dumbledore started ‘ I hope you all have had a first wonderful week here at Hogwarts now lets start with the competitures…’ with that the tri wizard cup changed colour and out came a piec of parchment ‘ first the boys wizarding school in Bulgaria… Viktor Krum’ with that all the boys in his class were cheering and wooping Viktor took the paper and walked to the back

‘Look your boyfriends in the tourninent’ pansy wispeard ‘hes not my boyfriend’ I answerd ‘yeye’ was her smart replie

‘Ok next contestant for the girls wizarding school in France…’ the cup again changed color’…Fleur Delacor’ he answered and all the girls cheered Fleur did the same as Viktor and walked to the back room

‘Last but not least Hogwarts…’ (AN harry is the only Hogwarts contestant) the cup changed colour and out came some more parchment ‘… harry potter…’ I looked shocked ‘… HARRY POTTER’ we heard whispers from were harry was sat and then he scurried of up to Hogwarts and walked to the back room we were all dismissed and the teachers rushed after harry.

‘Potters in trouble’ Draco said ‘ye ok come on pans hair and make up we have 5 minuets’ we rushed to the common rooms ‘ok bouncy curls black to white smokey eye and blood red lipstick?’ she nodded so I did that and we meet draco.

We walked to the patio in front of the school waiting to be taken to Diagon Alley

30 Minuets Later

We were finally at Diagon alley ‘bye guys im going to meet viktor’ I said to Draco and Pansy ‘Ok will buy you lots of sweets’ draco replied with that I nodded and headed to the three broomsticks were I meet viktor and he kissed me again I kissed back

‘Nice to see you to ‘I giggled he lead me to a table and we both ordered a butter beer and I ordered  just a burger as I wasn’t that hungry whilst he ordered a steak and chips ‘Congratulations on being in the tri wizard tournament’ I said ‘thanks it was funny after the teachers came and lectured potter’ I just giggled he placed his hand over mine and looked in to my eyes and I swear I felt sparks.

When are food came we ate in a comftable silence  ‘so I hear you like quiditch’ he asked me ‘yes and have you been find information about me?’ I asked with a smile ‘Maybe I have maybe I havent’ he said with a smirk.

We had finally finished lunch when we went for a walk ‘Cas would you be my girlfriend and date to the dance?’ he asked me ‘I would love to’ I replied he kissed me ‘that is great’ we walked around abit but he had to go to Quiditch traning so I meet Draco and Pansy infrnt of the pet shop.

‘hi guys’ I said ‘So…. How did your date go’ pansy asked ‘it was good talked about family quiditch this and that asked me to be his girlfriend I said yes’ I said with a smirk’oh that sounds li… wait what he asked you to be his girlfriend’ pansy squield I nodded my head and draco got a bit annoyed so we carried on walking around so after 3 hours of walking and talking and me buying accsesories it was final time to go back.

By time we were on the train EVERYONE knew I was Viktor’s girlfriend ‘News does travel fast when your dating a celebritys’ I said ‘probeblt in papers tomorrow’ Draco said ‘most likely’ I replied we walked to our compartment on the train and sat down I feel asleep.

1 hour later

‘Cas wake up come on you still need to right to mum and dad’ draco said with that I shot up and we got in to the common room and started writing

Dear Mother and Father  

Thank you so much for trusting me with this beautiful dress and I have a date to the ball AND a Boyfriend… Viktor Krum me and Draco would like to thank you for the money and our own volts im surprise you even trust Draco and Daddy I know you love me I lo ve you to and you will always be in my heart for as long as I shall live. Me and Draco found out the News about the Dark Lord and Us becoming Death Eaters and please tell auntie trix that I cant wait to be her lil killing machine

Lots of love your caring children

Cassidy & Draco

With that done I  called for my owl midnight and told her ‘Malfoy Mansion’ when I did trhat I walked down to the great hall to have my dinner, I sat next to Draco who was talking about good knows what when I heard my name being called by Goyle ‘Cas cas’ ‘What’ I said ‘Do you have a Date to the ball’ he asked with a grin whilest draco was Glaring at him ‘what do you think?’ I asked smugly ‘ERR… Y-y-yes’ he stuttered ‘there your answer’ I replied and walked out of the great hall.

When I was walking round Hogwarts Edward stood in front of me ‘Yes?’ I said rather pissed of ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ he asked and I just scoffed

 ‘Hey babe’ Viktor said walking up behind me ‘Hey’ I said and kissed him full on the lips whilest his tounge begged for entrance which I happily when we stopped I looked at Edward and went

‘No’ and smirked

 ‘Hey babe wanna go for a walk with me?’ ‘i would love to’ I replied whilest latching my hand in to his ‘I figured what the first task is’ he said ‘what is it’ I asked ‘well it’s to fight a dragon’ he replied I just looked shocked ‘ok then promise me you wont hurt yourself’ I said

 ‘of course I wont and there something I wanna say to you I love you Cassidy’ he said ‘I love you to Viktor.’ With that we kissed.

He walked me bak to the dungeons I kissed him bye and went in ‘Hi bro pansy Blaise how are you?’ I said rather chipper pansy and draco were whispering to each other thay just looked straight at me ‘Sis you ok ?’ Draco said ‘Yes everythin is perfect’ I said ‘what happened your only that hapy when your with a boyfriend or have been with your boyfriend and they say them three special words…wait did he..’ pansy asked ‘Mhmm’ I replied ‘..did you…’ she carried on ‘Yep’ I said draco and blaise looked weired ‘… viktor just told her that he love her and she said it back’ she said and we jumped up and down and squeld ‘I don’t understand girls sometimes’ Draco said ‘espacially my sister’ he added I just glared

‘so how did he say?’ pansy asked ‘ well Edward came and asked me out viktor came u behind me we snogged and I pissed Edward of aswell and I said no to Eddy so me and Viktor went for a walk we talked about the competition and he told me that he knew what the first one is and BTW is to fight a dragon and then he said he had sommat to tell me so he just says I love you Cassidy an di just replie I love you to Viktor and I bet tomorrow itll be all over the newspaper’ I said gasping for air ‘OMG the ball is tomorrow’ I squeled ‘Come on pansy we need a lot of sleep@ I said and with that me and pansy rushed upstairs got in to our PJs and went to sleep.

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