Chapter 1- Kuga, Kuga Yuma

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I sighed as I examined myself in the mirror. The freedom of my shirt and jeans was gone. Now I was back in the school uniform that made my flat as a brick, annoyingly short figure look even shorter. My light brown bangs however, I refused to pull into a neat ponytail of any sort.

I pinned the dark blue clip in my hair, the only purpose to keep my bangs from falling into my face. As I reached under my bed I touched something crinkly and plastic.

" What the... YUCHI!! GET YOUR SORRY BUT HERE RIGhT NOW!! Get your fried rice cracker wrappers out of my room! " I yelled at the top of my tiny lungs.

" YUCHI!! "

" Okay, okay shortie. Chill the yelling before Shiori comes up here and leaves the food to burn, sheesh. Also my name is Yuichi. Want a fried rice cracker? " Asked my older brother, appearing by my bedroom door in Tamakoma Branch.

" I do not want a fried rice cracker! " I yelled, starting the count for the amount of times I would say that for the day " Get this garbage outta my room! "

He had run out of places to throw his wrappers so he had secretly slipped them into my room under my bed. Now Summer vacation was over and I needed my box of school books I realise I'm swimming in them. How did I know this? Because my side effect told me so.

Not really I was just used to my brother's antics by now.

I pulled the box of books from under the bed and gestured to the dozens of wrappers.

" How did you think storing them under my bed was a good idea?! "

" Because I knew you wouldn't find them until now. My side effect told me so. " he said, handing me my black and white school bag.

Yuchi's side effect, Future Sight, was extremely annoying. Especially since he was always right. And since he had promised not to use It on me -He had the rare ability to turn on and off his side effect at will.

" Time to go Shortie or you'll be late. " He said starting to take the wrappers from under the bed.

" Bye Shiori San! " I said hurriedly to the figure in the kitchen, grabbing a lunchbox with breakfast in it as I raced out the door.

School was a good ways away and my bike wasn't working properly So I had a looooong ways to go.


I sat reading a manga as I tuned out my amazingly loud classmates. I could be described as antisocial, preferring to stay by myself and read instead of interacting with my class. I was basically the opposite of Yuchi... Uh, Yuichi and all of his friends.

Now I thought about it, didn't he have just as many enemies as he had friends? I found this vaguely amusing for some reason.

Hmph. The new student was late on their first day. I already liked them.

"Do you think they're a Border Agent? " A boy was asking, his eyes sparkling. I never bothered to learn anyone's name but Mikumo Osamu's. He was a bit of a nerd but he seemed okay enough. He was the only person I had ever met that went out of their way to make friends with me. Even though I did brush him off like an annoying fly most of the time he still one of my only friends at school.

The new student finally walked in, accompanied by two teachers. The first thing that caught my attention was his height. He was short. Very short. Only very very slightly taller than me and that was saying something.

The other thing that interested me was his hair, tousled and completely snow white. His red and white eyes were friendly and a bit amused but focused and determined. He was cute in a munchkin kind of way, Like how people always said I was.

He Introduced himself as Kuga. Kuga Yuma. It was his first time living in Japan apparently. He said he was 15, One year older than I was. ( I barely reached the age limit for my class. )

" Excuse me ma'am but he's breaking the no jewelry rule. He's wearing a ring. " pointed out an annoying boy who I had marked as Annoying Fool #1.

The teacher addressed Kuga but he refused to take it off. The teachers constant efforts to remove it and Yuma's quick avoidance was a bit amusing.

" If you're here then you have to obey the rules! "

" Well then I quit. Sorry to bother you. " He said causally, starting to walk outside.

I wasn't sure which I liked more. His stubbornness or manipulative tactics.

" Now you wait a minute! "

" Excuse me Sir. " said Mikumo quietly, raising his hand "Maybe he has a good reason for keeping it on. Or else he would take it off "

" Very well. What's your reason Kuga? " Asked the teacher, evidently glad for an easy way out.

" My late father gave it to me before he died- " he started looking a bit sober as his eyes turned serious.

" Those comics you confiscated from me were family heirlooms! " Interrupted Annoying Fool #1.

Nobody cares.

" And those video games you took from me were my late grandfathers. " Chimed in #2

" Silence! " Exclaimed the annoyed teacher .

" You don't really expect me to believe that do you?" He asked, obviously fed up with our class, Yuma in particular, for wasting his time.

" But it's true. " Protested Yuma, looking the teacher straight in the eye for a good few seconds.

" Very well I suppose we can make an exception. " He said hurriedly walking out.

I should probably have noted his strange behavior but I didn't care that much. So when the other teacher disappeared as well I went back to reading my manga.

A couple minutes later I heard a yell and someone cursing

Looking around I saw a boy on the floor and other people looking scared and surprised.

Kuga had evidently made his message clear...

He was most definitely not someone to be messed with.

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